End rant! Whewwww! That felt good.
Friday, December 22, 2006
at 7:57 AM | 0 comments |
I'm pissed the fuck off!
End rant! Whewwww! That felt good.
Monday, December 18, 2006
at 6:20 PM | 0 comments |
I am too through with Britney spears

I am so through with Mrs Britney Spears or Mrs. Federline(at least until after the divorce is finalized.) I don't know what that poor girl is going through but someone needs to knock some sense into her quick, fast, and in a hurry. Yes, you fucked up marrying fed-ex but you knew you were wrong from jump. He was in a long term relationship and on top of that his girlfriend was 9 months pregnant and you not only date him but marry him and become pregnant the same year? Then you get pregnant again only a few months later? Chile please!!!! Staying knocked up is not the way to keep a man. We're glad you wised up a bit and cut his mooching ass off but now you want to hang out with Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton ( who have no children I might add) and draw more attention to yourself? You know those hoes are known drunkards among other things. Maybe that's the point huh? Get back out there and get some attention (any publicity be it bad or good is still publicity correct?) in preparation for your comeback. Anyway, me thinks the timing is all wrong. It has been reported that K-Fed is seeking custody and what better way to give it to him Mrs. Britney, than to be seen partying every day of the week, dancing on tables drunk as a skunk,having your pantyless crotch

splattered all over the internet and TV for the whole word to see, as well as a myriad of demonstrated and documented lack of parenting skills. (driving with little Sean P on your lap and almost dropping him while tripping over your platform wedges in an attempt to hold on to your drink and your baby simultaneously..ring a bell anyone?) I just have 3 word for you Mrs. Brit and some of the other tack head chicks that have been thrusted upon us lately (ahem ahem Mrs Starr Jones or shall I say Mrs. Al Reynolds in a strapless mini with sagging titties and makeup 3 shades lighter than your skin color):
Sunday, December 17, 2006
at 7:15 PM | 0 comments |
Mojitos, Music, and Men .. Yes!!! In that order

Well, not necessarily in that order, men and music are interchangeable but Mojitos will always be my number 1 lova. Anyway, My girl had a little soiree' in which we each(the four of us) had to bring two guests that the others didn't know. What the hell? I found that to be quite challenging since we all hang out together and know the same folks. There is not that many people that I am confortable with to let inside my little circle but I ended up settling on two of my co-workers, male and female. The male is cool as hell. We have a good rapport and he is one of the few fellas that have actually been to my spot before. Yes, he has been known to work a nerve or two but we're cool like that so it's quite alright. The girl is alright too. We talk, shop, and eat lunch together sometimes so I figured she may be worthy of hanging lol. It's just that I really don't like to mix business and pleasure together so if any of my business gets back to the workplace, there are no seconds chances with me. Immediate cut off. Anyway, I pick FCW (female co-worker) up and we go to MCW's ( you figure it out) and he follows us to the house. When we arrive, there are about 20 people, (Of course the hostess invited more than the required two) and we just mingled and listened to music at first. I was put on drink duty because I make a mean mojito as well as a few other things. Although I'm a diehard beer girl, I love a Mojito( I mean I really LOVE A MOJITO) and most other "girly" drinks. We sat around, talked, drank, ate, danced and just had a grand old time.

Instructional mojito video for those of you who know like I know!!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
at 8:49 PM | 0 comments |
You Snooze, You lose!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
at 2:20 PM | 0 comments |
AHHH, Winter time. ...either Love it or Hate it!

Saturday, I slept until 9 (which is rather late for me) I'm an extreme early bird and like to get up, out, and about early. I'm talking 5, or 6 A.M. early. I skipped the gym too because I didn't feel like dealing with the crowds. (which is one reason why I get up early on the weekends,I am in and out of the gym before most even wake up). I just fixed me some coffee and oatmeal (Makes your mouth water doesn't it lol.) and caught up with my MTV reality shows. FWB called around one and said he was stopping by. He showed up with takeout and a movie (Tai and The Forgotten ) which was really good. I'm not much of a scary movie buff but I did think this was good. Next after looking out of the window he came up with the brilliant idea to go outside and make a snow man. Okay, last time I checked we were two grown ass people but I was down for anything. I got dressed with my thermal underwear, a few pairs of socks, boots, scarves, gloves, hats, and anything else I could find to keep me warm and we headed out. I had a freaking Blast!!!! We made a half-assed snowman, had a snow ball fight, made snow angels, etc. I forgot how exhilarating it is to just let everything go and become a child again. Fwb even let me bury him partially. Isn't infatuation grand? That was exactly what I needed and believe it or not, I was having such a good time I completely forgot about the cold, (and the fact that his ass was still on punishment)at least until I got inside and couldn't feel my fingers and toes. I took a steaming hot shower and made us both some hot chocolate and we just sat around and watched cartoons. Lol we really regressed, but it was great. I suggest everyone take the time to rediscover their childhood. Very relaxing.
Since I'm off today( furniture delivery which is tying up my whole damn day. Why do they say between 8 and 7, like I have all day to sit around and wait for them) I figured I would just update this blog. After going to the gym and bugging my girl at work,I had a little free time lol. I really should be doing laundry and cleaning up a bit but I'm feeling lazy right now. I'll save that for the weekend. I'm supposed to meet my girl Miko(Posse member number 3) at Borders at 3( I hope that damn delivery man is here before then). By the way, that isn't her real name. We met in school and she decided that since school was a new chapter in her life and she wanted to leave the past behind, she would make a new start, complete with new name and all. Her real name is rather plain and ordinary but we all agree that "Miko" has a bit of mystery to it. It's funny because everyone that knew Miko before school, refers to her by her real name. It is just odd to hear people calling her that because I have only known her as Miko. I really dig that thought process. I wish that I had thought to do that. I would've gone by my nick-name. I know you are wondering what it is but :::singing:::: "I'll never tell. I know that I have had this nickname for as long as I can remember. I really hated it growing up. All of my relatives still call me this when I visit and I thought it was sickening. Now I love it and I think it fits me to a tee. Yeah, I know I've really stoked your curiosity now, but Nope, still not telling. Yeah!! Delivery man just called and will be here in about 15 minutes. It's after 2 and that leaves me less than an hour to get dressed, grab a latte, and get over to Borders. It's nice out today too! Woo hoo!
Friday, December 01, 2006
at 6:37 PM | 0 comments |
What the Heezy!

What is going on with this weather? Just this past Wednesday folks were out and about with tank tops and flip flops on. Thursday it's 30 degrees out and today we have a blizzard that threatens to deposit 8-10 inches! What is up with that? Thank God we didn't get that much where I am but some parts of the state did. I must admit, it looks gorgeous out but I do not enjoy going out and cleaning off my car, bumper to bumper traffic, people who creep and crawl because they are scared to drive in the snow and slip/sliding across the free world in an attempt to get to Wal-mart. Not to mention it threw a monkey wrench in my plans to get it worked out...errr..ummm...I mean go work out *wink*. I was so getting spoiled by this lovely weather.(I mean no coat,sandals kind of lovely)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
at 1:05 AM | 1 comments |
Oh the sheer madness
Saturday, November 18, 2006
at 7:33 PM | 0 comments |
Damn , damn, damn!!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
at 4:55 PM | 0 comments |
The return of the macktress
Okay, this is the craziest shyt I haveheard all week. My girl and her crazy ass wanted to me to go to Best Buy with her so she can get a Playstation 3 and sell it on Ebay for a grip. I said "Bish, are you crazy?". Those fools have been camped out in tents and shyt since Tuesday. She was serious though and really thought I would get in line with her. She told me that she was going to take off work today and see if she could cut somebody to get one. I tell ya, that girl has no sense whatsoever. Folks have been getting shot and trampled on and she wants to go down there in the midst of that lunacy and then try to cut in front of somebody? I hope I don't see her azz on the news and believe me I have been looking. Please!!!
On another note, I had to put FWB on punishment. His azz has been trippin' hard and I am not the one, hell we aren't even together,technically! We have a sort of You scratch my back, I'll scratch your type of thing going on but a brotha is starting to get too controlling. Had to cut him off for a spell so he can really know what's up. The bad thing is that by cutting him off I cut myself off too and a sista needs her back blown out something fierce! Yeah it would be easy for me to go out and find someone to fill in while he's in the dog house but I am not about the random dick AT ALL!!! I stick to what's familiar wether we are together or not. If we're trying to build something then that's cool but to just go out and let any random nigga sample the goodies is a no no!! (unless I'm drunk and out of my mind. lol Nah, not even then. I've come close to doing the one night stand thing a few times but that's what I have my girls for, to slap some sense into me when I'm acting up. lol They've come through for me everytime and I really appreciate that, Hell I've done the same for them on many an occasion.
Friday, September 29, 2006
at 8:52 AM | 1 comments |
Lessons in Life: What I have learned today!
Do Not... I repeat, DO NOT eat Flamin' hot anything. That includes, Cheetos, hot fries, Lays, or anything else labled "flamin' hot". It will light your ass up!! I mean it, your behind will seriously be on fire. As for me, lesson LEARNED !!!!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
at 11:05 PM | 0 comments |
Grrrrrr.....!!!!!! The Nerve!
Anyway, the one saving grace of this day is that I was able to meet up at the spa with my girls. The massage alone was well worth it. You all know how I love to be felt up and rubbed down lol. Anyway, in addition to the massage, I had a facial, manicure and pedicure. I wanted to get my hair done also but the wait would've been over an hour so I have to do that next time. I'm just wierded out. It feels so wierd being home at this hour on a Saturday night. Either I'm out or I have people over, one of the two but alone? NEVER!!! I guess I'll just enjoy my solace. I just took a bubble bath and am sitting here in my terry robe, footies (yeah the kind with the ball on the back don't act like you don't know)and my hair wrapped up in a towel. When I'm finished here, I'm going to have a mojito and curl up with a good book. Reading and orgasms are two sure fire ways to get some ZZZZZ"s. At least for me they are. I'll settle for the reading tonight though. I don't want to happen upon a weak moment and end up inviting FWB over and have him keep me up all night.
Now that I think about it, spending alone time is something that I need to do more often. Yes! I think that I will dedicate one or two nights a week just to myself. I'll turn off my ringer,order in, watch movies, blast my music, jump on the bed, walk around the house butt naked and just do whatever the hell I want to do!!! It has been long overdue. I think in my partying and socializing I kind of lost sight of the things that I used to love to do. I love art...all kinds. I love to draw and sing(yes I can sing and I do sound good!) I had even begun painting a little bit and put all of that off because my socializing and working took up all of my time. My one true love though is photography. I absolutely LOVE it!!!. There is something about being in a darkroom. The chemicals, the red light, placing the film in the developer and swishing it around...all so empowering. Man I so miss that. Black and white photography is my favorite. I actually got into it when I was in junior high. Thanks, in part, to a summer program in which I was involved. The love that I had for it then actually stuck with me over the years. I really thought that I would end up being a photographer. Well that was my dream, yanno? Traveling all over the world and telling a story with no words... Just pictures? That would be so amazing but unfortunately that love seemed to have fallen by the wayside! Hey, I wonder if it is too late to go for it? Does anyone ever really realize their dreams or does it just happen to a select few by some sort of fluke? Nevertheless, I think I will enroll in a photography course to brush up on my skills.
One good thing is this online journaling. Really exhilarating. I've always kept a journal ever since I was a little girl. I had one bad habit of writing everything down and I do mean everything. I have a somewhat nosey mother and she found it twice and read it. Can you believe that, a mother actually reading her daughter's journal? Lol!!! I can laugh about it now but believe me, with some of the things I had written in that journal it was no laughing matter and I tend to get very explicit and detailed. (She found some condoms in my drawer once too but that's a whole 'nother story) Anyway, I was kind of put off after that so slowly but surely I got out of writing in it but this is a good substitute even though I am no where near as forthcoming and detailed as I would be if this was for my eyes only. Anyway, I have my mojito, my book, my bed and my J-O-B (dammit!!) waiting for me so I guess I will call it a night. I might engage in a little....On second thought, that might not be such a good idea. Nighty Night!
Friday, September 15, 2006
at 8:17 PM | 0 comments |
The one that got away...or shall I say I threw away.
Friday, September 08, 2006
at 5:10 PM | 1 comments |
A Time to Chill!!

I have about another hour at this place and then I will be heading for home. This weekend, I decided to take a little bit of time for myself. No company, no phone calls, no going out, no bothers, no men, no friends and no worries PERIOD!!!. I am heading to a little bed and breakfast all by my lonesome. I haven't told anyone(well I will call my mother and let her know the name and number of the place where I'll be staying) and I am purposely leaving my celly at home. I just need to relax and unwind and spend some alone time. I don't plan on doing much of anything other than enjoying my solitude. I may catch up on a few movies, read some books, write a little bit, take some walks... who knows. I haven't quite decide If I am going to take my lappy with me (as I may or may not have mentioned before, it goes everywhere I go) As of right now, I'm leaning towards leaving it where it lay, after all, the internet will be there when I get back. The bed and breakfast is about an hour drive for me. I was seriously thinking about taking the bus or train (don't much feel like driving) and I haven't been on a train in forever. I really enjoy train rides but since it is getting down to crunch time, I may as well just drive. If I enjoy myself enough and decide to make this my regular get-a-way spot,I will definitely plan in advance and take the train.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
at 8:08 PM | 1 comments |
Agree or disagree?
This is a list of rules that guys wished women knew...
1. Learn to work the toilet seat: if it's up put it down.
2. Don't cut your hair. Ever.
3. Don't make us guess.
4. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to,
expect an answer you don't want to hear.
5. Sometimes, he's not thinking about you.
Live with it.
6. He's never thinking about "The Relationship."
7. Get rid of your cat. And no, it's not
different, it's just like every other cat.
8. Dogs are better than cats.
9. Sunday = Sports.
It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides.
Let it be.
10. Shopping is not everybody's idea of a good time.
11. Anything you wear is fine. Really.
12. You have enough clothes.
13. You have too many shoes.
14. Crying is blackmail.
Use it if you must, but don't expect us to like it.
15. Your brother is an idiot.
16. Ask for what you want. Subtle hints don't work.
17. No, he doesn't know what day it is.
He never will.
Mark anniversaries on a calendar.
18. Share the bathroom.
19. Share the closet.
20. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers.
21. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem.
See a doctor.
22. Nothing says 'I love you' like sex in the morning.
23. Foreign films are best left to foreigners.
24. Check your oil.
25. Anything we said 6 or 8 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
26. Christopher Columbus didn't need directions, and neither do we.
27. If you think you're fat, you probably are.
Don't ask us.
28. Yes, pissing standing up is more difficult than peeing
from point blank range. We're bound to miss sometimes.
29. Don't fake it. We'd rather be ineffective than deceived.
30. If you don't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls,
don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
31. Let us ogle. If we don't look at other women,
how can we know how pretty you are?
32. Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
33. You can either ask us to do something OR
tell us how you want it done-not both.
34. Women wearing Wonder bras and low-cut blouses lose their
right to complain about having their boobs stared at.
35. Don't make 50 rules when 35 will do.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
at 9:30 PM | 0 comments |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
at 10:39 AM | 0 comments |
Looks Like My Intuition was right on with this one.

So John Mark Karr's DNA Didn't match. Why am I not surprised? From the first moment that I saw this man's mug all over the news,something just really didn't sit right with me. I have always doubted that he was the murderer. Crazed...possibly, weird...definitely, but murderer...Nahh! I also figured that even though he wasn't responsible for Jon Benet Ramsey's death, because people really wanted to finally bring this mystery to an end, they would find some way to pin it on him anyway. They let him go but really, what would be an appropriate punishment for this man for straight up lying like that? He is obviously a very disturbed young man and for him to be allowed to go free and move on with his life just doesn't seem appropriate to me. This man lied, wasted tax payers dollars being flown from Thailand to Los Angeles to Colorado, Feasting on lobster, duck and champagne and shyt. Now you know that just isn't right. For a grown man to be obsessed with a little girl is abnormal in itself and since he obviously has child molesting tendencies, I think he definitely needs some type of counseling as well as a psychiatric evaluation. Yanno,nip that shyt in the bud before he really does take it a step further and rape and kill a child. (So far they've only got him for child porn) As far as jail time, I do think he needs some type of imprisonment but not in the penal system. He's so frail and feminine looking, he wouldn't last one night. Maybe a mental instituion would be better suited to his needs. I just want to really know why he did it...confessed. Attention seeking? 15 minutes of fame? Notoriety? I can't call it. I think that is the part that didn't make the most sense to me. Why confess if you have gotten away with murder for 10 years? Not only that, but he was safely out of the country at that! Now I know guilt is a strong emotion and the power of God is by far stronger but unless he had some type of religious epiphany, I really can't see the point in a confession. Just my ponderings this A.M.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
at 8:42 PM | 0 comments |

Today my girls and I went to the spa. Sundays are usually reserved for the spa but I haven't been in about 3 weeks. After today, you can best believe my ass will be there every Sunday from here on out! I really needed to be rubbed down, pampered, and just doted on! I didn't realize how much I really, really needed that. It also gave me a chance to spend some quality time with the girls catching up on gossip and shyt. Not that I don't talk to those heffas every day and see at least one of them daily, but you know it's hard to get all of us together without putting forth plenty of effort and aforethought (especially since one of the crew is now bogged down by the old ball and chain.) I hated to leave such a relaxing environment but they would've had to start charging me rent had I not decided to carry my ass home. I look great, I feel great, relaxed and mellow and my skin looks and feels like Butta~~~ Butta, I tell ya! So I get home and I'm just chillin', sippin'on a JD twisted and watching Ghost ( don't act like ya'll don't know about the Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg flick) and I hear the phone ring. The caller ID says cellular call (gotta love the caller ID, can screen mofo's 'til my hearts content) and I recognize the area code as being that of Philly. I answer the phone

Friday, August 25, 2006
at 1:28 PM | 0 comments |
Random Thoughts...cause my shit is all over the place today
~~So what, you read a muthafuggin' book
~~We all know you got that shyt from Vickie Stringer
~~Come up with something new because you are wearing the hell out of that phrase.
~~Once? twice? possibly three times...alright,but after every word you say?
~~Bytch Puhleeze! Definitely time to update
~~Dude, fall the hell back because I am not feeling you like that
~~Don't pucker up your damn lips and stick your face in my car window
~~Talking about "Where is my kiss?"...Are you mad?
~~You crazy as hell if you think those lips could eva touch mine
~~and if you put your hand on my thigh again...
~~I will be forced to slap the shyt out of you!
~~You ain't slick nigga!
~~Yeah, you are cool as hell, you are funny as hell,
~~Plus, you keep me laughing on the regular
~~Too bad my ass is shallow, other wise you "might could" get it
~~Maybe even on the strength of your sense of humor alone
~~Everybody knows I love me a man with a great sense of humor
~~Be happy with my friendship which is all I'm willing to offer you...Will ya?
~~Why did this chick just yell "Wassup Mi" and flash me a quick smile
~~Now, I know, I just know I did not see a grill up in this bytch's mouth
~~You work the information desk for the entire building
~~which houses big time movers and shakers, at that
~~You deal with the public all day every day
~~You ARE the first impression chica.. and you are white at that!
~~I just know I don't see a dayum grill in your mouth
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
at 9:25 PM | 0 comments |
Leave The Game Playin' to the kiddies
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
at 9:26 PM | 0 comments |
Ring The Alarm
So Beyonce's second video was released... "Ring The Alarm." (check it out below if you haven't already)
Despite the Carmen Jones-esque rapping/screaming/singing delivery(and Ya'll know I'm talking abpout her MTV performance and not the performance of Ms. Dorothy Dandrige),I kind of like the song. All I want to know is WTF did Jay do to Bey or is it "Sasha" this time? I mean dayum!!! He must've put the "jammy" on her and now he got her going crazy... threatening peeps and thangs. She may as well have gone on and said Rhianna's name since we all know that is who this little ditty is directed at (don't act like ya'll haven't heard the rumors and buzz about Jay and Rhi Rhi) I ain't mad at ya Bey though. That's yo shyt girl, g'wan and claim your man. Let them other hoes know what's really up!! I don't know who comes up with the concept for her videos because lately they have been a bit wack and lacking. Okay Okay, I am seeing a hint of a Basic Instinct theme but yet and still, Bey needs to stick to sangin ' and leave the videos to the pros if this video vision was all her. Let someone else come up with a story line, concept, theme or something. Because those random spastic shots ain't gonna get it. The bish looks good (as always) and It's a step up from Dejavu but come on now, is that really saying much?
Oh, one more thing since I missed my Flava of Love update. I'm so fuckin' glad that spunkeey is gone! That hatin' ass bish needed to be gone with the quickness and I got my wish. I mean dayum! There ain't that much hating in the world but somehow that corny chick managed to slam every other female on the show. I 'm glad Flava saw through her gimmick and sent the hoe packing..but I gotta give it to her though. She played her role to the hilt... even conjoured up some fake ass tears to boot..but alas her 3.5 seconds of fame are up so ummm...Spunkeey(aka Maria Dunbar),You are the weakest link..... Buhbye Bish!!!

Friday, August 11, 2006
at 9:25 PM | 0 comments |
Decisions, Decisions!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
at 10:08 PM | 0 comments |
Will I ever Learn.

I posted yesterday about losing my money at the casino and one would think that would be lesson enough--- right? WRONG!!! I took my butt right on back there today and this time I lost $160. I don't know what is wrong with me. I was the only person who didn't win today and yes, I was pissed. I'm a hater!! I admit it and what? I was perfectly fine with my losing streak when I had my girl losing right along with me. Didn't matter that the two other people with me had their machines jingling and clinking like crazy. At least I wasn't the only one losing. About 5 minutes before we were about to leave, my girl won $241+ dollars, on the 2 cent slot machine no less. I wanted to be happy for her, I really did but dayum, why couldn't that be me...ya know? I wanted to at least win back the money that I threw away on my frivolous spending spree(ie. I don't have shyt to show for it and don't even know what I spent it on). AAh well, I may as well close out the week day with a bang and hit up the casino one mo 'gin just to see if my luck has changed any. Ya'll wish me luck and if I win, I might throw a few dollars your way...*wink*
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
at 8:13 PM | 1 comments |
Dayum Right I find It Offensive!
I know ya'll are probably thinking "What the hell does that have to do with being offended?" I'm getting to that right now. I went with an aquaintance to pick up the kid at summer day camp. I'm sitting in the car waiting for them to come out and this little girl comes running out the door and straight outside the fence (now the fence doesn't have a door on it--it is sort of 2 long fences with a sidewalk in between) The mother comes out with another child and starts yelling to her daughter to "get back here" the daughter comes running back and she tells her that she is not to go past the line because someone could take her. (I'm still in my car looking at them and listening) so she continues to talk to her and then she squats down to her child's level, directly in front of my car(in front of my open window) and don't you know this bitch points directly at me and tells her child that a stranger like this lady will take you.(now I know you are thinking "oh no that bitch didn't and my response would be "oh yes that bitch did". I think that warranted a face to face so I get out of my car and say "Miss, I am not in the business of taking other peoples children." She starts to say something but I cut her off and say "Now I understand the importance of talking to your children about strangers and running off and things but for you to point directly at me and tell your child that this lady will take her is rude and offensive. I have not, nor will I ever feel the need to take someones elses child and I damn sure don't want yours. That's why it's best that you save those types of talks for the privacy of your own home. It took everything in me not to call her out of her name but I kept it civil and held my tongue. She apologized and said that she meant nothing by it and she also said that she was sorry, to wich I responded "As you should be!" Although I couldn't hear everything she said (I saw her point and heard the part about me) I wouldn't have put it past her not to have told her child to be wary of the niggers because they will take her. (Yes, she was white in case you are wondering) but that really makes no difference at all. She could've been African American, Asian, Hispanic or what have you and I still would've had the same reaction. Rudeness is rudeness no matter race, color, creed, or class and with me, always, ALWAYS unacceptable. *stepping down off of my soapbox*
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
at 5:35 PM | 0 comments |
A few flicks from my weekend jaunt
Monday, August 07, 2006
at 7:35 AM | 2 comments |
Fla-vor Flaaaaav!!! Yeahhhh Boyyyyyy!

What we all have been waiting for has finally arrived. Yes, That is right, the second season of Flavor OF Love aired yesterday on VH1 and it did not disappoint! If you are unfamiliar with the show(what planet are you on?), it stars Flavor Flav (Hype man for the rap group Public Enemy) and a slew of women vying for his affections. Each week, Flavor spends time with the women (personally and in groups) dating, taking them places, putting them to the test and at the end of each week several women are eliminated. Those who are chosen to stay, are presented with a big ass clock(ala Flav's trademark) and it starts all over until one woman is left standing to ride off into the sunset with Mr. Flava. Last season was plaqued with golddiggers galore and the winner, MS. HOOPZ(gold digging, fame-seeking,thirsty chick),

ended up leaving Flavor as soon as the cameras stopped rolling. She was all about the money and her 15 minutes of fame (and believe me that bish got her money's worth.)leaving Flav no choice but to try his hand at love again.
On to this week's episode. The girls are clamoring to meet Flav and as expected there is a wide variety for him to choose from. Flav didn't seem to have the same enthusiasm as last year, but he had quite a mix ranging from the attractive,("Krazy", "Deelishis", "Beatuful" "Buckeey", "Nibblz", "Tiger", "Bootz" Payshintz", "Spunkeey",) to the ""unpretty ("Somethin","Like Dat", "H-town","Wire") just to name a few. The stand outs are "Buckwild", the self proclaimed crazy black chick (although she is obviously white, I would agree and say that she is indeed, The blackest white chick you would ever want to meet.) "Toastee"(named because she obviously likes to get her drink on as evidenced by the fact that the chick was "lit" as soon as the first bottle was cracked open.) "Spunkeey", (the hater of the group.) Yes, she is an attractive female but lacking in self confidence and esteem because this bish had a negative comment to say about everyone in the house. Not to mention the fact that she is an obvious lover of drama and a trick (not in the whorish sense as we haven't had a chance to see that side yet) but in the sense that she is already running back to Flav tattling on some of the girls) "Nibblz"( who has a hellified lisp which Flavor likens to that of Mr. Mike Tyson---she's also a self proclaimed ear biter as well), "Somethin",( the "Big Girl" with mucho attitude who speaks her mind and keeps it R-E-A-L) they are also the Bi/lesbians of the house. They lick clit and aren't ashamed to say so! "EYEZ", (Flavor's personal spy who was sent to get the low -low on the girls and report back to Flav to help weed out the diggaz, hoes, and fame seeking chicks) and "Like Dat", the supersized mama (with the super sized breastis to match who talks a good game but doesn't really have the looks to back it up (which is shallow as hell, I know but that's Hollywood for ya.)
This episodes starts off with a bang!! After meeting and naming the girls, Flav sends them to pick a bed knowing that there are more women than beds. H-town (white chick and a Black chick) are squabbling over the beds which the black chick appeared to have gotten to first. H-town then proceeds to take the black chick's flowers and throw them at her hitting her in the face and that was all she wrote. MS. Black chick went off and pushed her and then had her in a headlock pounding her in her head and all I could hear was "Ouch!, No! Get off of me!" H-town received a thorough Ass whupping that day.( feel free to view said asswhuppin' below)
Flav , upon hearing the ruckus, is quick to let the girls know that his show is not the Flavor Springer show and he ain't having it in his crib. He then summons each member involved in the smackdown to his quarters to get each of their stories separately (peep the aftermath below)
Flavor then reveiwed the tape which showed that both girls were obvious liars but he still chose to kick the black chick off ( it's a shame too because she would've made for great TV )and while doing so, the white chick seemed to regain enough courage to talk shit galore knowing that Flav's right hand man was there to hold old girl back. After the melee, the girls continue to drink and try to spend some one-on-one time with Flav. During the eliminations Flav revealed his spy and chose 12 ladies to keep (some based on the reccommmendations of EYEZ, his spy,) and presented them with ginormous clocks. After the ladies who weren't chosen("Choclate", "Hood", "H-Town", "Bama and the blackest white chick, "Buckwild") left, the ladies and Flav start to smell something. The stench is horrid and while trying to figure out the source of it, Flav views the tape and sees one of the girls, dip out of the frame for a few and then return. They also see her going up the stairs. A few minutes later one of the girls also goes upstairs and sees a pile of shit on the steps(that's right yall, real live doodoo,dookey,turds,crap,mess or whatever you want to call it). Flav is rather puzzled as they don't have any dogs in the house and noticing that "Somethin" is the only girl not present but missing,they deem her the obvious culprit. They go upstairs, where "Somethin" is in the restroom(that bitch better be cleaning herself up thoroughly) and Flav knocks on the door while the other ladies are giggling and talking shit. "Somethin" peeks out and takes responsibility for shitting on herself (without the least bit of shame I might add. Now that's a real Bish there) and trailing it up the stairs saying "yeah I did it but I had to go, I tried to hold it but my stomach was like bitch, you got me fucked up." Flav handles it like a pro. It was obvious that he was a little "shitty" at her but he respected her gangsta in the fact that she kept it real which was rather refreshing in the midst of a plethora of obvious fake beeyatches! I was wondering how this season would fair. They needed to come hard to top last season's drama with New York and Punkin and as expected Flavor and the girls did not disappoint!! I'll definitely be watching this season, You be sure to check it out if you can!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
at 9:31 PM | 0 comments |
Bo knows, But this chick didn't--until it was too late!

Why is it that whenever I leave town, I am filled with such dread and despair upon my return?( well maybe those words are too harsh but a girl is seriously hating to come back home to the same old, same old) I absolutely hate coming back and I had such a good time too. Of course,the fact that I had to get up at 4:00 in the A.M. in order to meet my ride at 5:30 so I could catch my 7:30 A.M. flight could've had something to do with it. While I'm waiting for the plane to arrive so that I can board, I notice some luggage sitting off to the side unattended.(like I stated in a previous post, this sista here, doesn't miss a beat. I notice everything and everyone) The disabled passengers and families with small children have already boarded and it's time for the remaining passengers to board. Still, no one claims the luggage so a few passengers start to board and then all of the sudden, a man comes running up and he is none other than Bo Jackson. (Although he looked familiar, I couldn't really place the face until the end of the flight) but I say to him "So that's who this luggage belongs to" and he responds "Yes, now did you take all that money out that I had in there" and I said "I sure did, but I was careful to leave you a couple of dollars just in case you find yourself in need." He says "Thanks for making it lighter for me and I say "Any time gorgeous, Any time" He boards and heads for the final rows in the rear of the plane, I sit a little more toward the front. At some point during the flight, he comes and sits beside me and we strike up a silly convo with him never letting on who he is. By silly, I mean more of a joking banter back and forth like the exchange about the luggage we had earlier. He returns to his seat a little before we land but not before telling me that he enjoyed "shootin' the breeze with me" and I replied "likewise." All the while,I'm still trying to figure out where I know this man from. All of a sudden it hits me, those "Bo knows" commercials run through my head and I'm like "That's it! He looks like Bo Jackson" but because this man looked extrememly young(he's actually 44 but looked much younger with a tight and fit body) and I vaguely remember his commericals airing around the same time OJ was running through the airport for Hertz, I dismissed that thought for the time being. I deboard and hit the restroom and as I'm exiting, I see him running (guess he was running a bit late) through the concourse and I yell out "I knew you looked familiar" and then I said "Bo Knows" and he starts to laugh and then says "Gotcha! Hey, what's your name and number? Now I'm not above a bit of ghettoness every now and then, but shouting out my name and number in a crowded airport in an attempt to get a retired athlete to call was a bit much so I played it off like I didn't hear him and kept it moving. Too bad for him. lol! Maybe I should brush up on my ballers (players) so I can have some sort of inkling the next time one should cross my path!*wink*
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
at 1:45 PM | 2 comments |
Can a bish be any less discreet?

I just returned from my lunch date with the guy that I previously posted about, the guy whom (while in my inebriated state)almost got me to commit cardinal sin number 1: leaving the club with a stranger for a night of pure raw, unadulterated, unbridled intercourse) Well anyway, we've met up on our lunch breaks before to dine together but this time was much more post worthy. By the way, my lunch was delicious *still licking my lips*. I had the grilled salmon with asparagus spears (yum yum) and an iced white tea lightly sweetened. It sure did hit the spot, I think I may stop by when I get off and pick up a duplicate for dinner since it is too hot to even begin to think about cooking. But anyway, we meet about a block from the place and walk over together. I may or may not have mentioned this before but this man is smart, sexy, good looking and most importantly EMPLOYED which equals PAID in his line of work! He's not really my type but I sense that we are well on our way to establishing a pretty cool friendship. While we're dining and conversing, I see these two broads at the table across from us staring my date up and down. Now, I'm not totally opposed to this because like I mentioned before, I can most definitely appreciate the attractiveness of a member of the opposite sex (shoot the same sex for that matter) but could them bitches at least be tactful about it. Everytime I look up, their eyes are on my table and my date. As we all know, Men are totally oblivious to such blatant ogling and the like ( How many times have you told a member of the male species that a certain female is trying to get at him and he says "Nah", "We're just friends" " She has a man" until one day she is so obvious about putting the moves on him (even to the point of getting butt ass naked and ready to spread 'em as soon as an opportunity arises)that he can no longer live in denial. Me, more times than I can count. The men in my family can be unbelieveably clueless at times. But anyway, I tell him that I think he has some stans or at the very least some admirers to which he replied. "Mi, you're crazy, they aren't thinking about me) I let it go and continue to enjoy lunch. We finish and I go to the restroom to fix myself up a bit , you know check to make sure there is no asparagus stuck in my teeth, refresh my MAC( don't even think to ask what MAC is, because if you don't know, you betta ask a diva) and give the hair a fluff or two. Anyway, as I'm heading back to the table, he is in the process of paying for our meal and I see the waitress give him a piece of paper. Small, albeit, but this sista here doesn't miss a thang!! I slow up a bit to time my arrival with her departure, then have a seat. I ask him what was that the waitress had given him and he shows it to me. The name scrawled on the torn napkin was Tamika and since our waitress was the whitest white girl one could possibly be, I knew it was from the stans across the way. Which one didn't matter but anyway, the waitress returns his card to him, I pick up my handbag and we start to walk out. On our way out, I head straight for the two chicks' table, walk up to them and say "Gorgeous isn't he?" and wink at one of the girls. She puts on a phony smile and smirks when I proceed to drop the number on the table and tell her unfortunately he won't be needing this because he is with me. I return her same phony smile and smirk, then head on out the door with my date in tow. Don't really know ( or give a fuck about how she reacted or what she had to say)I was out the door not giving them beyatches a second thought or glance. Don't really care what he thought either. All he could say was You are crazy!! Yeah it was sort of bold as we aren't together but I see it like this, you belong to me while we are together be it friend, lover, FB, or what.
Under the circumstances, I think a big, old, all inclusive"FUCK U" is warranted:

And a hefty "FUCK U" to the stan who couldn't seem to control her wandering eyes today at lunch!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
at 10:18 AM | 0 comments |
A lil' Sumpin' sumpin' for the shoe whores out there!!

Monday, July 31, 2006
at 9:52 PM | 0 comments |
Keep Yourselves

So, I was watching some reruns of Making The Band when I was appalled at the fact that Andrea, (one of the band members) was actually losing sleep over a dude. Man up girl and get with the program. You are about to blow-up (Of course, it's a long shot being that they are involved with Puffy, the career killa, but hopefully it will happen for you) I mean that chick called her man just about every hour on the hour, but what I found even more incredulous, was the fact that this man never had time to talk to her. He was either in the studio (he's a supposed producer), on the way to the club, out with his boys, had people waiting for him and blase' blah. The poor girl was practically begging this guy to talk to her only for a few minutes and he couldn't (or wouldn't) do that. Now during this episode I can say that she called him at least 6 times wth him never having more than 2 to 3 minutes (if that) to talk to her. Fast forward a bit, she calls and this man has the nerve to get on her for not calling him the previous night (she fell asleep). Now from the very first time she called him I'm dayum near shouting at the Tele "drop that nigga girl, he's up to no-good" But I was literally speechless when this guy actually broke up with her for not calling. Now you and I both know that this nigga was probably fucking around from the time she hopped on a plane to Miami and that was just the perfect opportunity and (excuse for him to drop her) but dayum mayun, at least be honest? Why is it that we females become so consumed by our relationships? I mean our relationships become our lives and pretty soon we end up losing ourselves. We want to eat, sleep, and breathe that nigga that we know don't mean us a bit of good. We make sure we're home because he "might" call and the keyword here is "Might". We get mad when he doesn't and end up calling him trying to find out where he was last night and with whom and why he didn't call? He tells us he doesn't love us anymore and we lock ourselves in our rooms, eating ice-cream and crying our eyes out and for what? I say fuck that nigga? That's right, I said it, say it with me, FUCK DAT NIGGA!!" Take your game to the next level and make sure that man knows that you are the number 1 priority in all instances and he is dayum lucky to have you. He doesn't call, so what? Don't bombard him with 20 questions about why, where, and when, but instead, make him feel like he wasn't even missed. Let him know that he dayum sure can be NEXTED if he continues to fuck up. Go on about your life, if you have plans, keep them, don't alter them because dude might show up. You are wayyy more important than that. Start putting yourselves first and let him get in where he fits in. Never let a plain dude (or any dude for that matter) rule your world because you are running thangz around here. Always remember that!

Speaking of Danity Kane(that's the name of the Making The Band group), Wassup with that CD Photo? Why can't the black chicks ever get a chance to be front and center. Why do they have ugly Aubrey in the middle like the bitch really can sing? Like Ms. Jones said "only 3 of ya'll bitches can sing" and those three would be Dawn, Aundrea, And D woods (and even she is iffy). If I was D woods(aka Juanita), I would be pissed. All of them other bitches get to show skin and they got her covered up like she is the mama of the group. Not only that, but they got her ass off in the background like she isn't even really a part of Danity Kane. She's stepping on the opposite foot as everyone else looking like they just threw her ass in the photo as an after thought. She better get on Puff about that so he can correct it before their album debuts.
at 2:45 PM | 0 comments |
Summa Daze, Summa Daze!!!

I have really gotten summer fever, so much so that a sista played hooky from work today to lounge pool side and chill. Unfortunately, I picked the wrong day because it was 100 today. Nobody should be out in this heat but I carried my butt to the pool anyway. Water felt good!!!! Usually it takes me a while to get used to the chill of the water but because it was so hot, I dove right in. I brought my book(Still Sheisty), my hat, my shades, my sunscreen(a Diva's best friend) and my water bottle and a sister was maxin' and relaxin'. Was enjoying the water and my solace until these 4 clowns (I.E. wanna be mack daddies) invaded my space. Why is it that a man will not take "NO" for an answer? These guys continued to get on my nerves. Sitting by me, singing, trying to strike up convos, touching my shit, and doing whatever else they could think of to keep my attention. I finally had to break out the bitch and get rude with them so there would be no mistaking that I wanted to be by my dayum self. I told them that I was there to relax and unwind and judging by the looks of them (there were 4 ) that there was nothing that they could do for me financially, or in the bedroom (had to include the dick since that is there magic answer to everything)so they may as well take their broke down behinds on to the next chick. Yeah, they called me all kinds of bitches to which I politely responded with a "Thank You" while shooing their trifling asses out of my space. Sometimes ladies, ya'll know that we just have to take it there because these men simply refuse to take "NO" for an answer. I really hate to go the rude route as that is not me-- Really it isn't, but some folks just are not satisfied until you bring the "Bish" out!!
Friday, July 28, 2006
at 8:03 PM | 0 comments |
STFU!! Will ya?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
at 6:55 PM | 0 comments |
Alternative Lifestyle living folk, Whodathunk?
Sunday, July 23, 2006
at 1:22 PM | 0 comments |
Whew. Busy Busy Me!
Friday, July 14, 2006
at 9:28 AM | 0 comments |
Who am I you ask?
~~A wearer of strappy heels,figure flattering 'fit and well manicured/pedicured parts
~~Mildly obsessed with intoxicating fragrances, matt lipsticks, juicy tubes, and
~~Open minded, honest, loyal, generous to a fault(but in no way stupid or naive)
~~Down for my peeps, my family, my friends, and my man
~~Viewer of various perspectives, all the while being overtly introspective
~~Ironic, sometimes a walking contradiction.
~~Avoider of controversy, forseer of "drama" Yet in no wise clairvoyant.
~~Trusting,yet suspicious
~~As real as they come
~~Femininity personafied,yet prone to handle my shyt whenever the need may arise
~~a daughter,sister,lady,friend,lover,confidant and such a girl.
~~Your muse as well as your vice ~wink~
~~A cultivator of new ideas, a doer and a thinker.
~~Vain yet modest, vulnerable yet confident.
~~A dream and at times your worst nightmare
~~But always, I AM:
at 9:09 AM | 1 comments |
Bey Bey Bey. Hated it!

So, the much talked about video from tam Bey-Z finally debuted Wednesday. Yes, that's right folks, the video for Deja Vu is here! I can say that I wasn't really feeling it too much. First of all, the majority of the outfits, were monstrosities. Pin-stripes, big peasant blouses, come on now? We understand that you need to advertise for House of Dereon but you and I both know that most of the designer wear they sell is nothing more than over-priced garbage. The jeans are cool and a few of the tops but I'm going to really need Ms. Tina to get some designer inspiration STAT! Secondly, The locations were cool. Loved the swamp/Bayou feel and of course, Jay-z is always good, but Bey on the other hand, dancing and shaking like she was having a canniption could've done much better. Who told her she could dance? I mean really? Her spastic movements along with shaking and shimmying does not a dancer make? A megastar like her should've been in dance classes ASAP. Aayway, if You haven't already, you can check it out on MTV'S Overdrive.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
at 5:59 PM | 1 comments |
I've been a bad, bad, girl but fuck it. ladies is pimps too go on and brush yo shoulder off.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
at 4:23 PM | 0 comments |
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
at 10:14 AM | 0 comments |
Must haves for sexy, single divas
My top 10 things every single girl must have aside from the perfect shade of mac lipstick and the fuck me dress and shoes.

1. A fabulous photo of yourself We all have that photo: The one where your smile looks great , hair is on point , and your body is bangin'. You are the total package and you know that if you just walked down the street looking like that you would have all of the men drooling for days. Maybe it was a surprise shot taken by a friend or you got the flic taken at glamour shots, who the hell cares as long as you know you look good in it. Post that sucker at eye level on your fridge, in your wallet, on the dashboard or mirror of your car, hell get a 20 by 30 framed portrait made and hang that bytch up in the foyer or above your bed. You want every man, woman and child that comes in contact to know that you look damn good! You may also need to take a gander at it when your confidence may be low due to a bad hair day or whatever. You are fabulous and you should always know it or at least be able to see it!
2. A slammin' pair of heels Admit it. you feel absolutely fabulous when you slip on a pair of nice heels. Struttin' and switching down the street feeling sexy as hell. I mean can't nobody tell you a damn thang. I know you know what I mean. The good news is that these days, you can transform virtually any outfit into night on the town ready by adding a nice pair of heels. Doesn't matter if you are sportin' jeans, skirt, shorts (yes, jeans and shorts are totally acceptable as an outfit especially on the club scene) gauchos, whatever... doesn't matter!! Put some heels on with that baby and you are ret' ta go. No, they don't have to be 4 or 5- inch stilettos, even a pair of 1-inch kitten heels will make you stride a little more confidently and don't mind the fact that you may not be able to walk in them. As long as you look good in them. You can just post up at the bar or at a table somewhere, legs crossed and work it mamis. (For the times when your dogs really get to barking in the heels) Always have a pair of comfortable shoes on hand or go barefoot if you must. Just make sure that when you are around the men you put the heels on and style, floss, and profile like crazy.
3. At least 4 good Cd's Hiphop, Mood music( you know the good baby making get your freak on type shyt),Jazz,and an off the wall type that usually doesn't fit your taste,you know, to show that eclectic side. What's one of the first places a guy peruses when he walks into a woman's home? Her music collection. Good for you if you have an extensive one, but if you are stuck in the 80's or 90's and your most up-to-date CD just happens to be by Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, you might have some "splaining" to do. Update your collection pronto mamis. Preferably with a CD from each musical genre because one night you may be keeping company with a youngin' and the next day you may want to have his daddy over. You need to be able to accomodate all musical taste. Doesn't matter how young or old you are.. DO IT! You have no idea how relieved he'll be. It shows you have an open mind and are open to all types of music. Plus it wouldn't hurt to throw a raunchy hip hop Cd in the mix. You know the type with a lot of Fuck you's, bitches and hoe's. Doesn't matter if it doesn't get any play in your CD player but it does show that you aren't easily offended—and that's music to any man's ears.
4. A great pickup line... and a way to blow 'em off In this post-chivalrous period Ya'll know that we can't always depend on guys to initiate contact. The days are over when we see a fine looking man and let him slip through our fingers because he never got up the nerve to approach. If you aren't quite ballsy enough just yet to take matters into your own hands that's fine. You'll get there eventually, but in the mean time, down a few drinks and man up chica. In any event, prepare thyself with one simple, non-corny icebreaker to lay on that cutie who's making his way over to your area of the bar. My favorite: "Hi. Having fun?" Depending how blatant and forward you are ,you can also use, "Hetero, homo, DL or metro?"(yeah it's extremely forward but let's cut to the chase shall we, why waste time entertaining a man who may be more interested in the brotha standing behind you) For those moments when the guy initiates contact and you're just not that into him, better have a back-up plan to get rid of the buster and please ladies, come with something better than "Ummmm, no". "Sorry, I don't think my man would like or appreciate it." is always a good , polite let down ( Yeah, it may or may not be a lie but at least it'll let him save face in front of his boys as well as allow him to keep his astronomical ego in tact. It'll also keep you from becoming all kinds of bitches, lesbians, and hoes) but sometimes a chick needs to get ignorant for the men that just don't give a damn about you having a man. I'm sure you know the "what your man got to do with me?" " Ah fuck that nigga", "Where that nigga at then" type of man. For that type of persistent, refuse to take no for an answer guy you must and I'd like to reiterate, YOU MUST have something for his ass. I won't give you any lines as they can run the gamut. Crack on his outfit, his looks, teeth, jewelry, hair. breath, lack of funds, job, anything you can do to clown him and get him to move the hell on is fair game.
5. A six-pack of beer and a few bottles of champagne. A prepared single girl is always ready to host and toast at any time. Keep the brew on tap so you can have something to offer your man if and when you decide that he is worthy enough to visit your humble abode. Champagne or any liquor will do for the times you have little get togethers or just want to chill. Always have one unbelieveable, outrageously priced bottle of something. (this is for show only, just to let them know you have good expensive taste) Under no circumstances are any of your guests ever to crack open that bottle. In other words, They touch it, They die! If you are more thrifty and don't want to spend the money on a expensive bottle,visit a snazzy restaurant or bar and request the empty bottle. (Don't be ashamed girl) You can then fill it up with colored water and perpetrate to your hearts content! They'll never know, But if you are a true diva with your game intact, getting a real bottle of expensive bubbly should be no problem.
6. Bathroom reading What man doesn't appreciate finding interesting reading in his woman's bathroom? So instead of tossing out your magazines when you're done reading them, toss them into a basket by the toilet. No need to go overboard with a stack of Sports Illustrated especially if you don't follow sports,( that could get you into trouble when he starts asking you about players and their stats and you are left dazed and stuttering), but consider Newsweek, Cosmo,(hey, this may be the only time he's a captive audience and can learn a few things) or even a King or Stuff magazine (yeah let him know that you aren't threatened by beautiful women and you can even include your Fabulous photo from Number 1 in the mix). Or, just buy a book that's made for the bathroom, like Ever Wonder Why,Isaac Asimov's Book Of Facts,The Great American Bathroom Book or whatever floats your boat so that he can learn a few things while he passes the, uh, time.
7. A business card After the age of 21, it is no longer cute to scrawl your first name and phone number on a napkin and hand it to a man who wants to call you. Doesn't matter if you have no job (or business for that matter)or your job doesn't provide you with a business card. Maybe you would just prefer one with your personal email address and cell phone number on it, then have some made at your local Kinko's. If you are very thrifty or a budget diva/fashionista like myself, you can even get 250 full-color business cards for free from vistaprint.com if you don't mind the company's logo on the backside of the card. Hey, it's better than nothing and lets not forget the operative word here ladies. It's FREE!!!!!. A napkin he can lose, blow his nose on, wipe his ass,wipe his sweat away or any number of things, but a business card, he'll file and keep.
8. A straight male friend on your speed-dial for advice and another one for those inevitable booty calls, bustdowns or nights when you just need a lil' sumpin' sumpin' without the lip and commitments. No ties, no strings right? Every girl knows she needs a gay male friend she can go to for fashion advice , hair and makeup tips and one that will not lie when you ask "Does my ass look fat or Phat in these jeans?" (a personal Queer Eye of your own). But when it comes to relationship advice, you need another source. While your female friends may have good intentions (we all know that sometimes they may be on some jealousy, hatin' ass shit), if you really want to know if you should call that guy, let him hit it on the first night, introduce him to your kids, let him crash on the couch, pull some rug, or hit the sheets 3, 4 night in a row, save the guesswork and go to someone who's been there, done that. No one knows the mind of a man save for another man. He'll be honest and let you know what's really up!
9 and 10. (Yes, this counts as 2)A condom ( a few condoms) Preferably Magnums if applicable~wink~, Hey ladies, you know the drill by now. If you want to be able to have spontaneous fun of the bodily kind, you have to prepare for it yourself. You can't always count on him to have something in his back pocket, wallet,—or a 24-hour drugstore in route on the way home. Yeah, I know I stated preferably Magnums ( men always exaggerate their size and their ego may demand they use magnums even when it isn't necessary)but the truth is everyone is not packin' like that... so if you don't want you man looking like he is swimming in a 5 sizes too big windbreaker, it would behoove you to have a variety of sizes and flavors on hand. (Your new mantra: If you don't want it to break, (have holes poked in it, be outdated), you buy it.
And That concludes my Top 10 list of things every woman should have