Well, not necessarily in that order, men and music are interchangeable but Mojitos will always be my number 1 lova. Anyway, My girl had a little soiree' in which we each(the four of us) had to bring two guests that the others didn't know. What the hell? I found that to be quite challenging since we all hang out together and know the same folks. There is not that many people that I am confortable with to let inside my little circle but I ended up settling on two of my co-workers, male and female. The male is cool as hell. We have a good rapport and he is one of the few fellas that have actually been to my spot before. Yes, he has been known to work a nerve or two but we're cool like that so it's quite alright. The girl is alright too. We talk, shop, and eat lunch together sometimes so I figured she may be worthy of hanging lol. It's just that I really don't like to mix business and pleasure together so if any of my business gets back to the workplace, there are no seconds chances with me. Immediate cut off. Anyway, I pick FCW (female co-worker) up and we go to MCW's ( you figure it out) and he follows us to the house. When we arrive, there are about 20 people, (Of course the hostess invited more than the required two) and we just mingled and listened to music at first. I was put on drink duty because I make a mean mojito as well as a few other things. Although I'm a diehard beer girl, I love a Mojito( I mean I really LOVE A MOJITO) and most other "girly" drinks. We sat around, talked, drank, ate, danced and just had a grand old time. We even had a table of Pinochle (that's my shit right there) and spades going. I haven't been to a card party since my college days and believe me, it was a welcome change from the club scene as well as a nice way to unwind and relax. I met some pretty cool peeps and that is a lot coming from me because it takes a lot for me to click with any female. Ya'll know how catty some women can be(especially when there are men around)and I just don't have the time nor the patience to deal with all of that drama. I let one young man monopolize most of my time as he volunteered to help me make the drinks. Attractive, smart, funny as hell and most importantly EMPLOYED!!! Yes!!! We have a winner. Just kidding but we exchanged business cards and said we'll keep in touch. I'm not really trying to get into a real relationship with anyone at the moment nor am I trying to add any more men to my stable but I tend to subscribe to the theory that one can never have too many friends, so I make it a habit to never discount anyone. The party lasted well into the wee hours of the morning before folks started to clear out. Since we(The fab four) were staying over, we cleaned up, drank the remaining liquor and those of us who did not pass out, (ahem ahem Ms Hostess) talked and reminisced until we finally drifted off to sleep. Memorable evening, so much so that I may volunteer to host the next one at my spot. Give me a chance to pull out the Magic Bullet (not THAT kind of bullet) but the one they show in the infomercial so I can mix it up proper like.
Instructional mojito video for those of you who know like I know!!!
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