I have really gotten summer fever, so much so that a sista played hooky from work today to lounge pool side and chill. Unfortunately, I picked the wrong day because it was 100 today. Nobody should be out in this heat but I carried my butt to the pool anyway. Water felt good!!!! Usually it takes me a while to get used to the chill of the water but because it was so hot, I dove right in. I brought my book(Still Sheisty), my hat, my shades, my sunscreen(a Diva's best friend) and my water bottle and a sister was maxin' and relaxin'. Was enjoying the water and my solace until these 4 clowns (I.E. wanna be mack daddies) invaded my space. Why is it that a man will not take "NO" for an answer? These guys continued to get on my nerves. Sitting by me, singing, trying to strike up convos, touching my shit, and doing whatever else they could think of to keep my attention. I finally had to break out the bitch and get rude with them so there would be no mistaking that I wanted to be by my dayum self. I told them that I was there to relax and unwind and judging by the looks of them (there were 4 ) that there was nothing that they could do for me financially, or in the bedroom (had to include the dick since that is there magic answer to everything)so they may as well take their broke down behinds on to the next chick. Yeah, they called me all kinds of bitches to which I politely responded with a "Thank You" while shooing their trifling asses out of my space. Sometimes ladies, ya'll know that we just have to take it there because these men simply refuse to take "NO" for an answer. I really hate to go the rude route as that is not me-- Really it isn't, but some folks just are not satisfied until you bring the "Bish" out!!
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