What we all have been waiting for has finally arrived. Yes, That is right, the second season of Flavor OF Love aired yesterday on VH1 and it did not disappoint! If you are unfamiliar with the show(what planet are you on?), it stars Flavor Flav (Hype man for the rap group Public Enemy) and a slew of women vying for his affections. Each week, Flavor spends time with the women (personally and in groups) dating, taking them places, putting them to the test and at the end of each week several women are eliminated. Those who are chosen to stay, are presented with a big ass clock(ala Flav's trademark) and it starts all over until one woman is left standing to ride off into the sunset with Mr. Flava. Last season was plaqued with golddiggers galore and the winner, MS. HOOPZ(gold digging, fame-seeking,thirsty chick),

ended up leaving Flavor as soon as the cameras stopped rolling. She was all about the money and her 15 minutes of fame (and believe me that bish got her money's worth.)leaving Flav no choice but to try his hand at love again.
On to this week's episode. The girls are clamoring to meet Flav and as expected there is a wide variety for him to choose from. Flav didn't seem to have the same enthusiasm as last year, but he had quite a mix ranging from the attractive,("Krazy", "Deelishis", "Beatuful" "Buckeey", "Nibblz", "Tiger", "Bootz" Payshintz", "Spunkeey",) to the ""unpretty ("Somethin","Like Dat", "H-town","Wire") just to name a few. The stand outs are "Buckwild", the self proclaimed crazy black chick (although she is obviously white, I would agree and say that she is indeed, The blackest white chick you would ever want to meet.) "Toastee"(named because she obviously likes to get her drink on as evidenced by the fact that the chick was "lit" as soon as the first bottle was cracked open.) "Spunkeey", (the hater of the group.) Yes, she is an attractive female but lacking in self confidence and esteem because this bish had a negative comment to say about everyone in the house. Not to mention the fact that she is an obvious lover of drama and a trick (not in the whorish sense as we haven't had a chance to see that side yet) but in the sense that she is already running back to Flav tattling on some of the girls) "Nibblz"( who has a hellified lisp which Flavor likens to that of Mr. Mike Tyson---she's also a self proclaimed ear biter as well), "Somethin",( the "Big Girl" with mucho attitude who speaks her mind and keeps it R-E-A-L) they are also the Bi/lesbians of the house. They lick clit and aren't ashamed to say so! "EYEZ", (Flavor's personal spy who was sent to get the low -low on the girls and report back to Flav to help weed out the diggaz, hoes, and fame seeking chicks) and "Like Dat", the supersized mama (with the super sized breastis to match who talks a good game but doesn't really have the looks to back it up (which is shallow as hell, I know but that's Hollywood for ya.)
This episodes starts off with a bang!! After meeting and naming the girls, Flav sends them to pick a bed knowing that there are more women than beds. H-town (white chick and a Black chick) are squabbling over the beds which the black chick appeared to have gotten to first. H-town then proceeds to take the black chick's flowers and throw them at her hitting her in the face and that was all she wrote. MS. Black chick went off and pushed her and then had her in a headlock pounding her in her head and all I could hear was "Ouch!, No! Get off of me!" H-town received a thorough Ass whupping that day.( feel free to view said asswhuppin' below)
Flav , upon hearing the ruckus, is quick to let the girls know that his show is not the Flavor Springer show and he ain't having it in his crib. He then summons each member involved in the smackdown to his quarters to get each of their stories separately (peep the aftermath below)
Flavor then reveiwed the tape which showed that both girls were obvious liars but he still chose to kick the black chick off ( it's a shame too because she would've made for great TV )and while doing so, the white chick seemed to regain enough courage to talk shit galore knowing that Flav's right hand man was there to hold old girl back. After the melee, the girls continue to drink and try to spend some one-on-one time with Flav. During the eliminations Flav revealed his spy and chose 12 ladies to keep (some based on the reccommmendations of EYEZ, his spy,) and presented them with ginormous clocks. After the ladies who weren't chosen("Choclate", "Hood", "H-Town", "Bama and the blackest white chick, "Buckwild") left, the ladies and Flav start to smell something. The stench is horrid and while trying to figure out the source of it, Flav views the tape and sees one of the girls, dip out of the frame for a few and then return. They also see her going up the stairs. A few minutes later one of the girls also goes upstairs and sees a pile of shit on the steps(that's right yall, real live doodoo,dookey,turds,crap,mess or whatever you want to call it). Flav is rather puzzled as they don't have any dogs in the house and noticing that "Somethin" is the only girl not present but missing,they deem her the obvious culprit. They go upstairs, where "Somethin" is in the restroom(that bitch better be cleaning herself up thoroughly) and Flav knocks on the door while the other ladies are giggling and talking shit. "Somethin" peeks out and takes responsibility for shitting on herself (without the least bit of shame I might add. Now that's a real Bish there) and trailing it up the stairs saying "yeah I did it but I had to go, I tried to hold it but my stomach was like bitch, you got me fucked up." Flav handles it like a pro. It was obvious that he was a little "shitty" at her but he respected her gangsta in the fact that she kept it real which was rather refreshing in the midst of a plethora of obvious fake beeyatches! I was wondering how this season would fair. They needed to come hard to top last season's drama with New York and Punkin and as expected Flavor and the girls did not disappoint!! I'll definitely be watching this season, You be sure to check it out if you can!
That show was a DAMN TRIP. When "Somethin'" took a poo-poo on "Foofy's" steps, I nearly lost my damn mind.
How utterly disgusting.
That was beyond disgusting! Her shitty behind would've been on the next plane, train or automobile home with the quickness. I still can't believe her trifling behind actually squatted and took a dump on someone's floor, on national TV no less!
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