I posted yesterday about losing my money at the casino and one would think that would be lesson enough--- right? WRONG!!! I took my butt right on back there today and this time I lost $160. I don't know what is wrong with me. I was the only person who didn't win today and yes, I was pissed. I'm a hater!! I admit it and what? I was perfectly fine with my losing streak when I had my girl losing right along with me. Didn't matter that the two other people with me had their machines jingling and clinking like crazy. At least I wasn't the only one losing. About 5 minutes before we were about to leave, my girl won $241+ dollars, on the 2 cent slot machine no less. I wanted to be happy for her, I really did but dayum, why couldn't that be me...ya know? I wanted to at least win back the money that I threw away on my frivolous spending spree(ie. I don't have shyt to show for it and don't even know what I spent it on). AAh well, I may as well close out the week day with a bang and hit up the casino one mo 'gin just to see if my luck has changed any. Ya'll wish me luck and if I win, I might throw a few dollars your way...*wink*
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