I just returned from my lunch date with the guy that I previously posted about, the guy whom (while in my inebriated state)almost got me to commit cardinal sin number 1: leaving the club with a stranger for a night of pure raw, unadulterated, unbridled intercourse) Well anyway, we've met up on our lunch breaks before to dine together but this time was much more post worthy. By the way, my lunch was delicious *still licking my lips*. I had the grilled salmon with asparagus spears (yum yum) and an iced white tea lightly sweetened. It sure did hit the spot, I think I may stop by when I get off and pick up a duplicate for dinner since it is too hot to even begin to think about cooking. But anyway, we meet about a block from the place and walk over together. I may or may not have mentioned this before but this man is smart, sexy, good looking and most importantly EMPLOYED which equals PAID in his line of work! He's not really my type but I sense that we are well on our way to establishing a pretty cool friendship. While we're dining and conversing, I see these two broads at the table across from us staring my date up and down. Now, I'm not totally opposed to this because like I mentioned before, I can most definitely appreciate the attractiveness of a member of the opposite sex (shoot the same sex for that matter) but could them bitches at least be tactful about it. Everytime I look up, their eyes are on my table and my date. As we all know, Men are totally oblivious to such blatant ogling and the like ( How many times have you told a member of the male species that a certain female is trying to get at him and he says "Nah", "We're just friends" " She has a man" until one day she is so obvious about putting the moves on him (even to the point of getting butt ass naked and ready to spread 'em as soon as an opportunity arises)that he can no longer live in denial. Me, more times than I can count. The men in my family can be unbelieveably clueless at times. But anyway, I tell him that I think he has some stans or at the very least some admirers to which he replied. "Mi, you're crazy, they aren't thinking about me) I let it go and continue to enjoy lunch. We finish and I go to the restroom to fix myself up a bit , you know check to make sure there is no asparagus stuck in my teeth, refresh my MAC( don't even think to ask what MAC is, because if you don't know, you betta ask a diva) and give the hair a fluff or two. Anyway, as I'm heading back to the table, he is in the process of paying for our meal and I see the waitress give him a piece of paper. Small, albeit, but this sista here doesn't miss a thang!! I slow up a bit to time my arrival with her departure, then have a seat. I ask him what was that the waitress had given him and he shows it to me. The name scrawled on the torn napkin was Tamika and since our waitress was the whitest white girl one could possibly be, I knew it was from the stans across the way. Which one didn't matter but anyway, the waitress returns his card to him, I pick up my handbag and we start to walk out. On our way out, I head straight for the two chicks' table, walk up to them and say "Gorgeous isn't he?" and wink at one of the girls. She puts on a phony smile and smirks when I proceed to drop the number on the table and tell her unfortunately he won't be needing this because he is with me. I return her same phony smile and smirk, then head on out the door with my date in tow. Don't really know ( or give a fuck about how she reacted or what she had to say)I was out the door not giving them beyatches a second thought or glance. Don't really care what he thought either. All he could say was You are crazy!! Yeah it was sort of bold as we aren't together but I see it like this, you belong to me while we are together be it friend, lover, FB, or what.
Under the circumstances, I think a big, old, all inclusive"FUCK U" is warranted:

And a hefty "FUCK U" to the stan who couldn't seem to control her wandering eyes today at lunch!
LMAO - that was hilarious. You put them girls in their place. And us men are not as oblivious as we let on. We notice, but dont necessarily want to let you know that we notice that way we have deniability.
Not as oblivious? Have deniability? Do tell? Also, Feel free to include any more male "secrets" that you feel would be of interest because a sista would like to be in the know. Thanya kindly sir!
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