Why is it that whenever I leave town, I am filled with such dread and despair upon my return?( well maybe those words are too harsh but a girl is seriously hating to come back home to the same old, same old) I absolutely hate coming back and I had such a good time too. Of course,the fact that I had to get up at 4:00 in the A.M. in order to meet my ride at 5:30 so I could catch my 7:30 A.M. flight could've had something to do with it. While I'm waiting for the plane to arrive so that I can board, I notice some luggage sitting off to the side unattended.(like I stated in a previous post, this sista here, doesn't miss a beat. I notice everything and everyone) The disabled passengers and families with small children have already boarded and it's time for the remaining passengers to board. Still, no one claims the luggage so a few passengers start to board and then all of the sudden, a man comes running up and he is none other than Bo Jackson. (Although he looked familiar, I couldn't really place the face until the end of the flight) but I say to him "So that's who this luggage belongs to" and he responds "Yes, now did you take all that money out that I had in there" and I said "I sure did, but I was careful to leave you a couple of dollars just in case you find yourself in need." He says "Thanks for making it lighter for me and I say "Any time gorgeous, Any time" He boards and heads for the final rows in the rear of the plane, I sit a little more toward the front. At some point during the flight, he comes and sits beside me and we strike up a silly convo with him never letting on who he is. By silly, I mean more of a joking banter back and forth like the exchange about the luggage we had earlier. He returns to his seat a little before we land but not before telling me that he enjoyed "shootin' the breeze with me" and I replied "likewise." All the while,I'm still trying to figure out where I know this man from. All of a sudden it hits me, those "Bo knows" commercials run through my head and I'm like "That's it! He looks like Bo Jackson" but because this man looked extrememly young(he's actually 44 but looked much younger with a tight and fit body) and I vaguely remember his commericals airing around the same time OJ was running through the airport for Hertz, I dismissed that thought for the time being. I deboard and hit the restroom and as I'm exiting, I see him running (guess he was running a bit late) through the concourse and I yell out "I knew you looked familiar" and then I said "Bo Knows" and he starts to laugh and then says "Gotcha! Hey, what's your name and number? Now I'm not above a bit of ghettoness every now and then, but shouting out my name and number in a crowded airport in an attempt to get a retired athlete to call was a bit much so I played it off like I didn't hear him and kept it moving. Too bad for him. lol! Maybe I should brush up on my ballers (players) so I can have some sort of inkling the next time one should cross my path!*wink*
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