About The Author

. I'm a sexy single lady just living it up in the big city. As you'll soon find out I have many interests and exploits. I love meeting people, and just living life to the fullest. I love my family, I love my friends, and I love my life! I am utterly addicted to the world wide web and can be a little wild and crazy at times but hey , aren't we all?

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Leave The Game Playin' to the kiddies

So, I was talking to my co-worker today (yes, I am back at work and hating every minute of it. I am so ready to retire, but since I am not anywhere near retirement age, I'll take the next best thing and become a kept woman...anyone want to keep me? lol) But anyway, my co-worker was telling me that she is going to divorce her husband. Truth be told, I think it is because she just recently got promoted and now that she makes more money than he does(How much more? I have no idea) she thinks he is not good enough for her. She says she doesn't THINK that is the reason (keyword here is think) and even if it is, she also thinks that he is too weak. I told her that she better think twice because there are plenty of women ready and willing to fill her shoes. She says she really doesn't care and then she tells me that she and the hubby were conversing and he asked her if she was seeing anyone. She told him yes, and he then asked if they were sleeping together. Again, she said "Yes" and just to add more fuel to the fire, she also told him and I quote "And it was damn good too." Just like a bish to rub salt in the wound, isn't it? My jaw was damn near on the floor because I know for a fact that this is a good man. I also know the things that she did to get this man and now she wants to complain because a muthaplucka is too nice or weak as she put it? But anyway, she was pissed because this man did nothing... had virtually no reaction(at all) to her admission of guilt. I told her that maybe he was just tired of the bullshit. Not everyone is into game playing or maybe he is just as tired of you as your are of him. She said "Yeah, but most men would've smacked their woman if she said something like that" and I said "Is that what you want? Him to beat your ass over it?" She said "No" and I said "Well really, what could he do? Yeah, he could've beat your ass up and down the block but really, would that change anything?" I thought about it some and if it were me and my man told me that shit, I'd probably say "Okay" and keep it moving. Why act a fool and get pissed off over something that you have no control over and can't do anything about? Shoot, if a dude don't want you he don't want you and the same goes for a woman. The only thing left to do is "Be out" and move on with your life. I swear, some women really love drama! Always complaining about not being able to find a man and when they get one, "He's too nice, he's too weak" or some other lame excuse of why the relationship cannot be. Puhleeeze, miss me with the bullshit. I was listening to Michael Baisden yesterday on my way home from work and he posed these questions: Do women want a roughneck? Do nice guys really finish last? When I was in my teens I was a subscriber to the "Too nice" thing too but as I've matured, I have come to realize that nothing good can come of a relationship with a rough neck, thug, or whatever they are calling themselves these days. I would've run over the nice guy (literally) just to get to the thug. Something about the type, I found exciting(still do), but now give me the nice guy anyday. As for the co-worker, she is dead set on leaving her man and I advised her to give it plenty of thought before she sets the wheels in motion because the grass on the other side of the fence may be just as dried out and wilted as your own lawn. As for him, happiness and living well is the best revenge. I know she would be sick about it if she ever saw him with another chick on his arm.