Tuesday, April 08, 2008
at 8:28 PM | 1 comments |
Dickey ,Dickey, Dickey
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
at 10:22 AM | 0 comments |
I did not have TEXT with that woman

I was just sitting her talking to some co-workers about Kwame Kilpatrick. I don't Know what it is with these men cheating on their wives and getting caught. Kwame Kilpatrick is being charged with perjury over his lies pertaining to his affair. He deserved to be caught too because he wasn't even smart about it. Text messages? TEXT MESSAGES? C'mon now Kwame, you just wanted to give old girl some evidence to show your wife if and when things went sour between you all. At least Bill made Monica work for her cum stained dress..but you, you want to send a Text Message. I guess he learned nothing from Bill Clinton and his "I did not have sex with that woman" Well he did learn something ....he learned that it didn't work for Bill and it ain't gonna work for him !
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
at 10:00 AM | 2 comments |
We Need This Type Of Sexy In The White House
So What I jacked these photos from My girl
Saturday, March 08, 2008
at 8:01 AM | 0 comments |
A sistah is tired as hell
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
at 11:39 AM | 3 comments |
To Eat or Not to Eat?......That is the Question.

Thursday, February 28, 2008
at 8:56 AM | 2 comments |
Ladies, We Have Got To Do Better Than This
Some of the rappers have ben bashed because some believe that their lyrics and videos are contributing to the degradation of women. While that may be true to a certain extent , some of us do a good job of that on our on. We don't need a rapper to degrade us because we degrade ourselves. I don't think that you can blame it on the lyrics of some hip hop artists when we are the ones clamoring to be in the videos, be in the reality Tv shows, be seen with the very same person who called you a video hoe or a bitch in one of his songs. Not only that but we allow ourselves to be seen fucking and sucking, stripping, boasting about our body parts and everything else on cam. C'mon Ladies, We have got to do better than this because this shyt right here, don't make no sense.!
Monday, February 25, 2008
at 5:22 PM | 0 comments |
Ladies Keep yourself
Sunday, February 24, 2008
at 5:47 PM | 0 comments |
Weekend? Over? Already?
I just came home from church, and then Hooters with the girls, needless to say I am stuffed but we had enough wings that I can have some for dinner tomorrow. I don't really feel like doing much else other than relaxing. I think the "ITIS" has set in. I'm going to attempt to watch a Bball game or two if sleep doesn't catch me first. I sure hate when the weekend is over because it's back to the Monday grind! ~Big Sigh~ This weekend wasn't nearly long enough.
at 12:53 AM | 0 comments |
Pour out a lil' liquor

Friday, February 22, 2008
at 6:01 PM | 1 comments |
Old School Friday
Today's old school artist is Das EFX!!! Ya'll remember them? This used to be my shyt back in the day? I'm sitting over here jammin' to some oldies, sippin' on a glass of wine while I try to figure out what I'm going to wear to this poetry slam tonight. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
at 4:31 PM | 0 comments |
Mama Noooooooooooooooooo
For those of you who may not know, this is Frankie, Keyshia Cole's mama, yes I said MAMA and believe me I use that term very loosely. I know Keyshia had to be embarrassed as hell. Frankie needs to act a fool on her own time and not at her daughter's fuctions. Better yet, she needs to sit her old ass down somewhere and act her age. She out there in her mini dress, blonde wig/weave (as fierce as that cut is) dancing up on stage at her daughters platinum party( and no she didn't say "Happy ValenTIMES Day". Not only is she dropping it like its hot, she's smacking her ass on top of it. I thought Janice Combs was a hot mess but Frankie has got her beat. Jesus take the wheel...please!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
at 5:05 PM | 2 comments |
You Me and She

- Never let your friends know how good your man is in bed, lest they get curious and want to sample the dick for themselves.
- Never invite another woman into your man's bed ( doesn't matter if you are present or not) Don't do it! Especially if you care for said man and are trying to build something with him.
- If you ARE stupid enough to invite another woman into the mix. At least have enough sense to not let it be a friend or worse yet, your BFF.
I know we women like to brag on our men and I know how we are when we get some good dick. We want to shout it from the rooftops and tell anyone that would listen how he put it down. But keep that to yourself when you are amongst friends. I know you and your girl have been BFF's since Kindergarten but if she hears about the good dick your man is putting down, how he is blowing your back out every night and how he licks your pussy until you squirt. You dayum right she is going to start to want that in her own life (especially if she ain't getting none and your man is looking right.) Curiosity killed the cat or in this case curiosity might get her cat killed (by your man) so mums the word on your man's bedroom skills.

This Bish on the right (obviously the trois in the Menage) done got the good dick and is already plotting her next move Look at her sneaky ass. Ladies don't let this become your situation.
Monday, February 18, 2008
at 5:37 PM | 0 comments |
Saturday, February 16, 2008
at 2:02 PM | 0 comments |
I found this to be uniquely interesting. Maybe you will as well!
Friday, February 15, 2008
at 9:40 PM | 0 comments |

Not as much fun as a dick but they sure are pretty
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
at 7:06 PM | 0 comments |
Big Thangs Poppin'
Thursday, February 07, 2008
at 5:45 PM | 0 comments |
What the heck is going on here.

I woke up this morning and cramps had my azz laid out! I couldn't even get out of the bed let alone make it in to work. I don't know what is up with that because I haven't had cramps like this in years and I do mean YEARS!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
at 3:07 PM | 0 comments |
About my hottie, well.... errr....ummm, somebody's hottie!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
at 1:09 PM | 0 comments |
Lawd A'mercy

This morning I decided to stop at McDonald's to get some breakfast and coffee since I didn't have time to make some this morning. Anyway, I decided to go inside and fore go the drive thru which is something that I never do. Anyway, I'm ordering my coffee with all of my 8 creams and sugars. I taste it and It isn't to my liking , so I ask the girl if she put in my 8 creams and 8 sugars and she tells me yes, I taste it again after stirring it up and I tell her that she did not. She then gives me some additional sugars (bitch! if I wanted to add sugar myself I wouldn't have bothered to go through my 8 creams and 8 sugars spiels) but anyway, I move over to the side so that I can fix up my coffee the right way. Two older gentleman come into the place and instead of the one going up to the empty register( no line, no waiting) to place his order, he decides to stand behind me off to the right. Now mind you, I'm over to the side fixing my coffee and he is behind me yelling that he needs water. Now I was always taught to respect my elders and the fact that he was being loud in my ear wasn't the main problem that I had with him. Oh, it was a problem but I would have been willing to overlook that if it hadn't been for the fact that every time this man opened up his mouth, I smelled hot garbage. I mean his breath STANK! I tried to play it off and hold my breath a bit while covering up my coffee with the quickness because I didn't want that funk to invade my drink. Anyway, I'm scrunching up my face trying to avoid the smell until I just could not take it any more. I turned around and said "Excuse me but would you mind moving over a bit?" and he just looked at me and said "For what?" I said not only are you yelling in my ear but you are breathing all over my coffee. He moved over but I could tell that he was none too happy about it. I tried to hold out as long as I could, I really did, but that breath smelled like straight up stank! I told my co-worker and she said "Girl I told you to carry those mints with you. If you had done what I said, then you could have given him one or two." My co-worker is a nut. That woman keeps me giggling on the regular. What am I going to do when this special project is over because I am going to surely miss her and her funny stories. She also said that and I quote"You know sometimes old people can't satisfy a woman the way they should so they might need to taste IT a little bit" so they get down there and taste it and then don't brush their teeth afterwards. breath be smelling like Badussy, boody, ass and pussy!" She and I both burst out laughing and I know people were looking at us like what the hell has gotten into them. On a new note, I met a little hottie last night but I can't type about that just now as I have work to do and me on the internet is not being productive.
Monday, January 21, 2008
at 7:22 PM | 0 comments |
We aren't family!
Friday, January 11, 2008
at 2:05 PM | 0 comments |
What did I get myself into?
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
at 10:14 AM | 0 comments |
Wanna go all night? Well do ya?

My girl's and I were talking about something I heard on the Steve Harvey Morning show. One of them said that a woman really doesn't want a man who can go on for hours and hours during sex. I started thinking about it and while I have made my fair share of jokes about the infamous "minute man" (having experienced a few episodes where it took me longer to take off my panties than it did for him to cum), I realized that I really don't want a man that can go for hours and hours. Aside from the fact that my shit would be rubbed raw, chaffed and I would be walking bowlegged, If it's taking me that long to cum, then I am definitely not opposed to some help in getting me there whether it be fingers, tongue, or what have you. I am also not opposed to giving out directions, and instructions as needed. Long gone are the days where I fake orgasms tryng to boost up a nukkas ego, If you don't know what you're doing and aren't willing to take instructions and directions, get the hell up and OUT! I'm not trying to fuck for 3 and 4 hours and I know I am not the only one. I'm not multiorgasmic... well as much as I'd like to, I haven't had that "Nirvanaesque" experience of being able to cum more than once during the act..YET. Besides, I'm also a selfish lover. With me it is never really "all about you" unless I'm feeling especially generous that day. I mean, I will work hard to get you there up until it's my time, but my main concern is myself and if it just so happens that I get mine before you get yours. I feel sorry for ya! An orgasm for me is a sure fire sedative and most likely after I achieve one, I will be washing myself up and then rolling my ass on over to get some sleep. I have yet to find the man that would make me want to skip my happy ass in to the kitchen and make ham sandwiches and shyt. Not to say that he isn't out there but I just have't met him yet. Maybe 2008...huh?
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
at 1:53 PM | 1 comments |
Happy New Year !

I've just returned from visiting family for the Holidays and I want to just let it be known that I am not at all happy to be home. After my little jaunt, I am seriously considering moving back to my hometown. I miss my peoples ya'll I MISS THEM!!!!!! While I didn't really do much ....Yes, you heard right, No partying for ya girl while she was there, I still had a fabulous time. Family will definitely do that for you! So now I'm back here just going through the motions.
I did drag Miko to the mall with me upon my return to get my brows threaded which was an experience in and of itself. Now I had been thinking about getting them done for a while, so I inquired as to the level of pain involved with this process. I was told that it hurts less than waxing and is better because it doesn't involve ripping off a layer of skin as does with waxing. Anyway, I told the chick that I would be back. Two weeks later I head on back to get it done.
I sit in the chair and she is doing something to my brows and I'm pleasantly surprised because I am feeling No pain. Come to find out she was just brushing them or whatever to get them the way she wanted them before she started threading. Well I braced myself (as I do when I get waxed) but lawd. let me tell you all that I was not ready for what I felt. That shit hurt like hell! Like HELL I tell ya. Anyway, My eyes were watering so bad that passersby thought I was crying. The chick threading me asked if this was my first time and I said yes, ya'll lied to me when I asked about the pain. This shit hurts like hell and about 5 times worse than waxing! Anyway, she was nice enough to hand me a Kleenex so that I can dab at the water flowing from my eyes and then she handed me a mirror. I must admit, My brows look fabulous and she did them to my specifications: no thinning, no shaping, just clean them up a bit!. I do plan to have this done again and I'm hoping that the more I have it done, the less pain I feel. Miko just stood there laughing at my comments and sounds but her punk ass decided not to get hers done. I don't understand why because this chick gets bikini waxes, You hear me? BIKINI WAXES, where they get all up in every nook and cranny of the cooch and the booty but the brows are too much for her? I told her I would contemplate getting a Brazilian but if the pain is anything like the brows, and I imagine it wouldd be since my goodies are sensitive, then as of now, I'm thinking HELL NO!!
May the desires f you hearts be fulfilled in '08! Happy New Year!