This morning I decided to stop at McDonald's to get some breakfast and coffee since I didn't have time to make some this morning. Anyway, I decided to go inside and fore go the drive thru which is something that I never do. Anyway, I'm ordering my coffee with all of my 8 creams and sugars. I taste it and It isn't to my liking , so I ask the girl if she put in my 8 creams and 8 sugars and she tells me yes, I taste it again after stirring it up and I tell her that she did not. She then gives me some additional sugars (bitch! if I wanted to add sugar myself I wouldn't have bothered to go through my 8 creams and 8 sugars spiels) but anyway, I move over to the side so that I can fix up my coffee the right way. Two older gentleman come into the place and instead of the one going up to the empty register( no line, no waiting) to place his order, he decides to stand behind me off to the right. Now mind you, I'm over to the side fixing my coffee and he is behind me yelling that he needs water. Now I was always taught to respect my elders and the fact that he was being loud in my ear wasn't the main problem that I had with him. Oh, it was a problem but I would have been willing to overlook that if it hadn't been for the fact that every time this man opened up his mouth, I smelled hot garbage. I mean his breath STANK! I tried to play it off and hold my breath a bit while covering up my coffee with the quickness because I didn't want that funk to invade my drink. Anyway, I'm scrunching up my face trying to avoid the smell until I just could not take it any more. I turned around and said "Excuse me but would you mind moving over a bit?" and he just looked at me and said "For what?" I said not only are you yelling in my ear but you are breathing all over my coffee. He moved over but I could tell that he was none too happy about it. I tried to hold out as long as I could, I really did, but that breath smelled like straight up stank! I told my co-worker and she said "Girl I told you to carry those mints with you. If you had done what I said, then you could have given him one or two." My co-worker is a nut. That woman keeps me giggling on the regular. What am I going to do when this special project is over because I am going to surely miss her and her funny stories. She also said that and I quote"You know sometimes old people can't satisfy a woman the way they should so they might need to taste IT a little bit" so they get down there and taste it and then don't brush their teeth afterwards. breath be smelling like Badussy, boody, ass and pussy!" She and I both burst out laughing and I know people were looking at us like what the hell has gotten into them. On a new note, I met a little hottie last night but I can't type about that just now as I have work to do and me on the internet is not being productive.
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