I've just returned from visiting family for the Holidays and I want to just let it be known that I am not at all happy to be home. After my little jaunt, I am seriously considering moving back to my hometown. I miss my peoples ya'll I MISS THEM!!!!!! While I didn't really do much ....Yes, you heard right, No partying for ya girl while she was there, I still had a fabulous time. Family will definitely do that for you! So now I'm back here just going through the motions.
I did drag Miko to the mall with me upon my return to get my brows threaded which was an experience in and of itself. Now I had been thinking about getting them done for a while, so I inquired as to the level of pain involved with this process. I was told that it hurts less than waxing and is better because it doesn't involve ripping off a layer of skin as does with waxing. Anyway, I told the chick that I would be back. Two weeks later I head on back to get it done.
I sit in the chair and she is doing something to my brows and I'm pleasantly surprised because I am feeling No pain. Come to find out she was just brushing them or whatever to get them the way she wanted them before she started threading. Well I braced myself (as I do when I get waxed) but lawd. let me tell you all that I was not ready for what I felt. That shit hurt like hell! Like HELL I tell ya. Anyway, My eyes were watering so bad that passersby thought I was crying. The chick threading me asked if this was my first time and I said yes, ya'll lied to me when I asked about the pain. This shit hurts like hell and about 5 times worse than waxing! Anyway, she was nice enough to hand me a Kleenex so that I can dab at the water flowing from my eyes and then she handed me a mirror. I must admit, My brows look fabulous and she did them to my specifications: no thinning, no shaping, just clean them up a bit!. I do plan to have this done again and I'm hoping that the more I have it done, the less pain I feel. Miko just stood there laughing at my comments and sounds but her punk ass decided not to get hers done. I don't understand why because this chick gets bikini waxes, You hear me? BIKINI WAXES, where they get all up in every nook and cranny of the cooch and the booty but the brows are too much for her? I told her I would contemplate getting a Brazilian but if the pain is anything like the brows, and I imagine it wouldd be since my goodies are sensitive, then as of now, I'm thinking HELL NO!!
May the desires f you hearts be fulfilled in '08! Happy New Year!
Just showing some love.
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