My girl's and I were talking about something I heard on the Steve Harvey Morning show. One of them said that a woman really doesn't want a man who can go on for hours and hours during sex. I started thinking about it and while I have made my fair share of jokes about the infamous "minute man" (having experienced a few episodes where it took me longer to take off my panties than it did for him to cum), I realized that I really don't want a man that can go for hours and hours. Aside from the fact that my shit would be rubbed raw, chaffed and I would be walking bowlegged, If it's taking me that long to cum, then I am definitely not opposed to some help in getting me there whether it be fingers, tongue, or what have you. I am also not opposed to giving out directions, and instructions as needed. Long gone are the days where I fake orgasms tryng to boost up a nukkas ego, If you don't know what you're doing and aren't willing to take instructions and directions, get the hell up and OUT! I'm not trying to fuck for 3 and 4 hours and I know I am not the only one. I'm not multiorgasmic... well as much as I'd like to, I haven't had that "Nirvanaesque" experience of being able to cum more than once during the act..YET. Besides, I'm also a selfish lover. With me it is never really "all about you" unless I'm feeling especially generous that day. I mean, I will work hard to get you there up until it's my time, but my main concern is myself and if it just so happens that I get mine before you get yours. I feel sorry for ya! An orgasm for me is a sure fire sedative and most likely after I achieve one, I will be washing myself up and then rolling my ass on over to get some sleep. I have yet to find the man that would make me want to skip my happy ass in to the kitchen and make ham sandwiches and shyt. Not to say that he isn't out there but I just have't met him yet. Maybe 2008...huh?
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