About The Author

. I'm a sexy single lady just living it up in the big city. As you'll soon find out I have many interests and exploits. I love meeting people, and just living life to the fullest. I love my family, I love my friends, and I love my life! I am utterly addicted to the world wide web and can be a little wild and crazy at times but hey , aren't we all?

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Monday, January 21, 2008

We aren't family!

What the hell is going on here?   I texted an ex  just to say "Happy New Year" a few days after New Years.  He texted me back and we went back and forth for a few messages until I stopped responding.  Anyway,  He and I haven't been together in years but we talk intermittently from time to time.  Anyway  A few days after I stop texting him, he calls me.  I was busy at the moment so I couldn't talk to him and said I would phone him back.  Well fast forward to  this weekend .....I still haven't called him back yet but he left a message on my voice mail saying that his mom and sister were in town, he also left their number just in case I wanted to call them.  What in the world would make him think that I wanted to call his mama and sister? We were never cool like that.  Not even when we lived together.  Now I was cordial to them but not in a  just call them out the blue and say wassup type of way.  I was closer to his grandmother than I was his mom or his sister , well his sis was much younger than me so all I would say to her is hi and bye.  Besides I don't want to be stuck meeting up and possibly entertaining them if I did decide to call.  Ahhh well,  He left the message two days ago and due to the fact that I rarely , if ever, check my messages on my home phone,  I have a good excuse for not calling them while they're in town.  I'm just glad he didn't give them my number so they can call me!