About The Author

. I'm a sexy single lady just living it up in the big city. As you'll soon find out I have many interests and exploits. I love meeting people, and just living life to the fullest. I love my family, I love my friends, and I love my life! I am utterly addicted to the world wide web and can be a little wild and crazy at times but hey , aren't we all?

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

You would think a nukka would know!

What is it with a nukka thinking that once ya'll become involved, start kicking it, have a relationship or what have you that gives him free reign to do whatever. Dude, my life doesn't stop just because I met you. Don't call me (AT WORK NO LESS) questioning me on my whereabouts and why I wasn't at home to get your call when I knew you were calling me at 6. Dude Please! If you think I'm going to sit around waiting for a phone call that you may or may not decide to place, you are saddly mistaken. Then to top it off, you have the audacity to say that you'll be over at 6? Did you ask me if I had previous plans? Did you ask me if it was alright for you to come over? I'm like this, My life does not revolve around you , I had a life before you and I will continue to have one if and when you are long gone. If you want me to make some time for you then let me know in advance so I can try to hook it up, don't just assume that it's okay for you stop by whenever the heck you feel like it because you will just make an ass out of yourself as the saying goes. Now, if we are going to do this we will do it right, you will respect me and do things properly and I will do the same with you. Respect me and my space and things will work out just fine--- I don't think that's asking too much, do you? I had to tell him that I'm busy and if he decided to stop by, he'd be waiting outside until I made it home and even then, I'd have to think about inviting him in. Ladies, I'm telling ya'll if you start letting a dude come over on a whim any time he feels like it, it won't be too long before he has all of his shyt over and you'll find his ass posted up on your sofa, drinking your beer, eating your food, and watching your TV all damn day while you're out working a 9 to 5 trying to make ends meet. Nahh... not me!!! Not in this lifetime!! If you want to spend some time with me then I'm available tomorrow after 5--- I'll pencil you in!! lol I'm just kidding about the pencil you in part but I'm serious about the rest. I refuse to let a man take advantage of me like that. I have a girlfriend who used to date one of my cousins. Now she was my friend before she and my cousin started creeping but it wasn't too long after they hooked up that she stopped hanging out with us. Her ass would be sitting at home waiting for his no good behind( he's my fam and all but yet in still, I call it like I see it and his behind was NO GOOD) to call or show up and 99 % of the time that's exactly how she ended up,still waiting while he was out doing his thang. Pretty soon we stopped asking her to do things with us because we knew it was no point because her ass was on a short leash. (whether self-imposed or at his hand I don't know.) She ended up getting pregnant thinking that would change things but ya'll know how that worked out. Said child is now 15 and she recently(talking a few months ago recent) had another baby by a different dude. She and my cousin don't really have a relationship other than for the kid. He does help her out with cash for herself at times. While I will admit that he treated her like shit, I can't say he is 100% at fault because she allowed him to do it. One thing I will say is that he is a real good father to his child when he is allowed to be.