About The Author

. I'm a sexy single lady just living it up in the big city. As you'll soon find out I have many interests and exploits. I love meeting people, and just living life to the fullest. I love my family, I love my friends, and I love my life! I am utterly addicted to the world wide web and can be a little wild and crazy at times but hey , aren't we all?

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Friday, September 29, 2006

Lessons in Life: What I have learned today!

Now I know this may be a little too much information for some but I am the type of person that if I can help someone by giving them a little advice or something, I'm all for it. I'm posting this life lesson in the hopes that I can possibly save someone from making the same mistake that I have made:


Do Not... I repeat, DO NOT eat Flamin' hot anything. That includes, Cheetos, hot fries, Lays, or anything else labled "flamin' hot". It will light your ass up!! I mean it, your behind will seriously be on fire. As for me, lesson LEARNED !!!!


Janelle said...

you got to drink some milk if you do..it will coat the "flamin hot" food so it doesn't burn on the way out... My Mexican homegirl taught me that.