Thursday, September 08, 2005
at 6:35 PM | 0 comments |
I tried, I really did, but I just can't help myself!!!
at 3:14 PM | 0 comments |
I have been in such a funk about what has been going on with the hurricane victims that I haven't been updating much. One of my grandmother's sister's friends is missing. She lives in Slidel. (well I don't know if she is missing but I haven't been able to reach her by cellphone) I'm praying that she and her family are okay. I still can't believe how tragic that is. Then you have stupid azz Barbara Bush talking about "well the victims living in the arenas were underprivileged anyway, so this (living in another arena in Texas) is working out well for them" I mean what kind of shyt is that? basically she is saying, fuck'em, they didn't have shyt before the hurricane so they should be thankful that they have that arena in Texas to live. She is ignorant as hell, I'm sensing that there could be some truth to Kanye's statement.. and that's from mama Bush on down!! :::END RANT:::: Anyway, First thing I did when I got to work was check my account.(remember I posted about getting paid to surf?) well I have been grinning and cheesing and doing my happy dance around the office all day so far. . My ass actually got paid 2 g's. Thats right ya'll I got me some Christmas money (if I dont spend it all before then) Don't hate now!!
I posted about this before so Ya'll had your chance. Anyway, the only problem is that it is in gold so I have to find a good money exchange to get it changed into US dollars. I know that it will cost me but I don't know anything about the going rate of gold or fees. I need to look into that. I got my co-worker to join too. She wasn't trying to hear what I was saying(even though her behind is broke as hell) until I showed her my e-gold account. (yeah I switched from Stormpay because they charged me 6.9% =69 cents to receive payments..too much interest for my taste even though I loved the fact that they dealt in dollars and not gold) I also showed her the website that I used when I did research. If you're interested here it is. Start Making Money Today I thought it gave a pretty good explanation.
Time | Type | e-metal | Weight (troy oz.) | Entered Amount |
9/2/2005 16:24 | Payment Received From: MyLifeClicks Memo: 12daily Pro Cashout | gold | +5.085083 | 2,160.00 USD |
Take a look up there and see all my money...Yeah Boy!!!
On a new note. My girl has a little boy and sometimes I go with her when she picks him up from school. A few times, I saw this chatty chick whose daughter goes to the same school. My girl is cool with her so everytime she is there when we are, she stops and chats (and this chick is severely long winded.) She's this Bohemian, Erykah Badu type chick who looks really nice. Since she has a daughter I never though much about her comments to me. One time she was telling me how good I look and how "I have it going on" and blah blah blah. I just said "thanks" and that was it. She would say things like this everytime I saw her but the day before yesterday, I went with my girl to the school and she was there. She kept talking about how pretty my toes were and how she loved my toes and they are so cute. She was like " I'm going to call your pretty toes" from now on. I was walking around looking like the Rock (one eyebrow up thang) because I don't know about her. I don't want to think that she likes me like that but I'm going to be on guard around her. Yeah, she could just be overly nice but I mean who goes around jockin' someone's toes? Anyway. Let me get to lunch.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
at 7:23 AM | 0 comments |
Can someone tell me what is really going on.
Friday, July 29, 2005
at 5:44 PM | 1 comments |
Joke of the day!!

I'm going out but before I get ready I thought I'll leave you all with a little jokey joke.
For those whose vision is not sharp enough to read the small writing.
Q: What did one saggy boob say to the other?
A: If we don't get some support soon people will think we are nuts!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
at 11:29 PM | 0 comments |
Surfing the net and get paid too? Nahh can't be legit!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
at 6:30 PM | 0 comments |
Monday, July 11, 2005
at 8:20 PM | 1 comments |
at 4:05 PM | 2 comments |
Umm I'd hit it!!!!...Ode to Superhead

This is for the guy who so eloquently claimed that he wouldn't fuck Ms. Superhead with Mike Vick's dick. I suspect he is just talking but just for you sir, I have found some guys that beg to differ. They would love to be in the presence of a notorious dick sucker and one of them actually had relations with her not once, but two times. Notice the big toothy grin. Boy, MS. Head must've really put the thang down and made a real believer out of him. Notice the ll' homie even put in his bid for a chance at Karrine.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
at 10:39 AM | 0 comments |
Rumpshaka contest. strictly for the fellas and you ladies that get down like that.

I know my niggas love asses so this is for ya'll. Cast your vote in the first annual rumpshaker contest. Put your money on one of these lovely ladies. Winner will be announced on a date TBA shortly.
Who got that phat ass and know how to twerk it?
Contestant number 1 (Meth and Red's favorite)
Contestant number 2 (Craig and Smokey's favorite)
Contestant number 3 (make that azz bounce girl dizammmm!)
Contestant number 4 (my fav because she knows how to make that azz clap)
Cast your votes in the comment section.
*****Edited to add a disclaimer***** I, MS Mimi, in no way shape or form condone this type of behavior or content nor did I have anything to do with this post except to edit in my comments. This is all my boy Carlos' doing? Silly butt. We hung out last night and after having a little too much to drink, I was tired as hell and my head was throbbing so I crashed. While I was sleeping he decided to use my comp and get all up in my business. We cool like that so I don't mind, but this mess? Come on now los? What is up with dudes being blinded by the booty? Is that all ya'll think about. All hell would break lose if I decided to have a biggest penis contest. Am I right ladies?
Friday, July 08, 2005
at 7:37 PM | 1 comments |
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's..........SUPERHEAD!!!!

Now I'm sure by now everyone has heard of the infamous Karrine "Superhead" Steffens. The chick who is known far and wide for being able to suck a dick so good that it warrants it's own copyrighted moniker. Now I had the opportunity to see Ms. Superhead in action with none other than Mr. Marcus (whew fannin' myself) and all I have to say is that her name is well-deserved. The chick even had me about to get pen and paper to take some notes so I can add a few of her tricks to my head game repertoire. Her oral expertise has managed to keep her in the news these past few weeks due to her tell-all (and I do mean tell all) book entitled "Confessions of a Video Vixen." Ms. Steffans is currently hitting up the airwaves as well as bookstore trying to promote her scandalous novel that names some of HipHop's finest as having sampled her prowess. At first, I was thinking that she was just some groupie slut that got played but then I started thinking about how men do what she does all day everyday and get nothing but props, and admiration. Now we women must stick together, especially the sistas, so while her choices may not have been ones thatI would've made myself and while I may not agree with the sucking your way to notoriety, I can't knock a sista's hustle. That's her life and how she chose to live it and it is quite alright with me.(stepping down off of my high horse and taking a bow). Confessions of a Video Vixen reads like a ghetto soap opera. Not only does Superhead reveal all about her sexual romps (some in great detail) but she also names names. I know you are thinking Oh No she didn'!! Well Oh yes she did!!!! Most of the people mentioned were either married or in committed relationships when they had a taste of the superhead so I'm sure she has a couple of wives looking for her in hopes of administering a memorable beat down to that azz.. One such wife is Ma Barker, the current wife of Ms steffens' ex Kool G Rap (an old school rap artist whom she so eloquently rips to shreads in her book) Ma threatened Karrine yesterday during her interview on Ms. Jones' morning show on Hot 97 in NY. Karrine was ambushed by Ms. Jones as she was rambling on about how much of a dead beat dad G Rap was when Ms. Jones announced that she had him on the line, wife in tow. Now there is nothing like a down ass bitch and I applaud that Ma was down for her man but truth be told that bitch has a big ass mouth. She was telling all of the business as well as throwing in the names of people who I'm sure didn't want to be named, such as Method Man (who ended up calling to straighten shyt out) and Big Tigger (po' thang). I don't want to say too much so I'll just leave ya'll with a pic of Superhead and her current love interest Mr. Bill Maher. (apparently she has sucked her way through the Hip Hop crowd and has moved on to bigger and better things, namely Hollywood) and a link to the Hot 97 interview. Listen, enjoy and let me know what you think. Until then, Holla!!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
at 5:42 PM | 0 comments |

What is up with MS. Mariah? I mean dayum! Does this chick ever miss a photo op? Everytime I see her she has some fake smile plastered on her grill and posing. Just be natural sometimes MiMi. You have a beautiful voice which can hold it's own. Please cool it with all of the fakeness because you look stupid as hell and
this right here-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> takes the cake!!
Now she knows she doesn't have abs like that.
at 1:55 PM | 0 comments |
Ass like what?...

Let's Analyze this shall we. Now we all know that us sista's are known for the asses. I mean we have big ol' badunkadunk bootys and everybody knows it so where is our props? Come on now, Britney Spears? Jessica Simpson? Hilary Duff? They don't have shyt on us sistah's Okay? Janet, now she does have a big ol' butt but a shout out to her does not do us justice. What about Ketoy? Buffie? and all the other big bootied sisitahs out there. Em, you gotta do better than that... Give us our props too dammit!!!
Video provided by VideoCodes4U
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
at 9:51 PM | 0 comments |
Me busted? Nahh not the kid~~~~~ part deux
at 3:52 PM | 0 comments |
Busted? Nahh, not the kid.
Friday, July 01, 2005
at 1:30 PM | 0 comments |
Damn Women Drivers
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
at 11:16 PM | 0 comments |
What the Heezy?

I have been watching MTV a lot lately and I simply cannot stand those ghetto ass ring tone commercials "Where my baby daddy at?" WTF? Come on MTV you can do better than that. I just want to scream everytime they show a promo for one of those ringtones.
Anyway I am still ranting about the BET award. What the hell happened to the performers. I admit I was hyped about seeing Lauryn and the Fugees reunited but the chick was Off-key. She was cracking on the notes which weren't even that high. Now take a look at the pic to the right? WTF is up with that big ass bow and the mushroom 80's 'do? Please chile, give us the old LBoogie. We want her back!!!! Then you have Mariah? Wheeewww chile! I don't know about y'all but all I heard was screeching and howling. She was definitely struggling to hit them high notes. It was like that with practically every performer. Okay, Okay, Gladys did hold it down. She had to show them young bucks how it is done because these new cats aren't nearly as good as they were back in the day. Bey and 'em did their thing though. The singing was on point and the lap dances were cool too. Terrence Howard looked liked he was about to cum but I can't hate. Beyonce' is one sexy chick!! Hell, given the right time and place I may have gotten a little wet looking at her too! Michelle(shaking head) I don't know what her purpose is? She can't sing and she's ugly to boot, 'nuff said. I did love Omarions performance though. That nukka is one dancing fool. People like to compare him to Usher but in my honest and humbe opinion, Usher ain't got shyt on him. Ciara, on the other hand, I could've done without. The highlight of her performance was Luda so that should tell you something right there. Man what I wouldn't do to have just 10 minutes alone with that man. I would tear his ass up and really give him something to sang about.(fannin mah self) UMMPH UMMPH UMMPH!!!! John legend was cool as was Stevie but mayun, what the heck are they feeding him. Stevie done just straight up blewuptuated. He is huge!! Mike Jones got the crowd hype but come on now who really wants him ? Nah, I take that back. If Biz Markie, 50, Ying Yang twins, Lil ' John and the rest of them cro-magnum looking dudes can get chicks why not Mike Jones. I won't knock him. Hell, he might be able to pry my legs open if he was throwing enough dollas my way. lol