Thursday, July 21, 2005
at 6:30 PM | 0 comments |
I know ya'll have heard Kanye's song, the one with the hook that goes."I ain't sayin' she's a gold digga, but she ain't fuckin' with a broke nigga. Well, that has officially become my motto for the summer, possibly for life! That's right, no more broke niggas for me. Potential or not, doesn't matter! I've always been the type of woman that does for self. I've always had my own shyt and I always keep money. I work for mine and I expect any dude that I'm with to do the same. Now I didn't always feel this way. I used to date broke niggas.(I'm talking lay up on the couch, drinking, eating, playing video games, waiting for a job to come knocking on the door broke niggas) Didn't matter to me because I wasn't getting with them for the money, cars, clothes, and they weren't laying up on my couch so----- Since I've always had my own, I could provide for myself so their financial status wasn't a big deal to me. Since I've become a little older, broke will definitely not do it for me. No, I'm not trading in my independence for gold digger status, but I just want a man to have his own and stop trying to leech off of me. I may have my own but I'm not one of those chicks that just throws money or gifts at a dude to try to keep him. No way!!!!! I am not the one for that shyt. I am not trying to play mama to anyone that didn't come out of my uterus. I was dating this dude once, we dated for some years, he was military and his ass stayed broke. I know they don't make much especially being a petty officer but damn the brotha didn't have any expenses,(yeah he had a kid but his mom helped him out with him because the wifey wasn't shyt. Hell I even watched him from time to time) free housing, shoot, what more could a nigga want? But anyway I'm sitting at my girfriend's place chillin' and he calls and asks me if I want to go to KFC. I wasn't really hungry but I said yeah. He comes over and picks me up(he has his son in the car with him) so we get there and he is ordering all of this shyt, got the nerve to say to me "Baby, what you want, extra crispy or original?" I wasn't really hungry but the combination of everything he ordered and the smelling of that chicken, got my mouth to watering. So anyway our order comes to about $20 and some change. The chick bagged up the food and she's just waiting for the money and do you know this nigga had the nerve to say "Baby, pay the lady" I looked at his ass like he was crazy and proceded to switch my ass on out of there. He was like, "you not going to pay her" I just acted like I didn't hear him and took my seat in the car. He gave me the silent treatment on the way home then promptly dropped my ass off lol.I know if he could have he would've just slowed the car down and made my ass jump out!! He was that heated. I didn't care though.. I do not play that shit, don't try to pull no fast one on me. He knew he was broke when he called me up and asked me if I wanted to go. Right then should've been the time to ask me if I would mind paying. Like I said before, paying for the food, wasn't the issue because I try to keep money, it was the principle of the thing. Now I would've bought the baby something had I been certain that he wouldn't have been digging in the shyt too. I still can't believe he pulled that shyt. After he dropped me off, I hopped in my ride and went back and got ME some chicken lol. I know some of you are probably thinking that I was wrong for that but who cares. lol Nah, I'm the type of female that doesn't mind doing for someone but of my own accord, don't try to force me, scam me, play, me into doing shyt. Won't work. Anyway he gave me the silent treatment for 3 days then told me that he was really broke and it really hurt his feelings that I wouldn't feed him and his seed. With me, you have to be straight up about things, I'm straight and up-front and I'd like you to be the same. If you need money, ASK, if you need a bill paid, ASK, if you need some sneakers and outfit to go clubbin just ASK. 99.9% of the time the answer will be HELL NO!!( I told ya'll I wasn't the one to be throwin' dollars at a dude) ..but the point is that you kept it real and asked for what you want and/or need. That's what it is about these days, REALNESS people!! Don't forget it. A lady can have nothing but respect for a dude that keeps it real with her.
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