I have been watching MTV a lot lately and I simply cannot stand those ghetto ass ring tone commercials "Where my baby daddy at?" WTF? Come on MTV you can do better than that. I just want to scream everytime they show a promo for one of those ringtones.
Anyway I am still ranting about the BET award. What the hell happened to the performers. I admit I was hyped about seeing Lauryn and the Fugees reunited but the chick was Off-key. She was cracking on the notes which weren't even that high. Now take a look at the pic to the right? WTF is up with that big ass bow and the mushroom 80's 'do? Please chile, give us the old LBoogie. We want her back!!!! Then you have Mariah? Wheeewww chile! I don't know about y'all but all I heard was screeching and howling. She was definitely struggling to hit them high notes. It was like that with practically every performer. Okay, Okay, Gladys did hold it down. She had to show them young bucks how it is done because these new cats aren't nearly as good as they were back in the day. Bey and 'em did their thing though. The singing was on point and the lap dances were cool too. Terrence Howard looked liked he was about to cum but I can't hate. Beyonce' is one sexy chick!! Hell, given the right time and place I may have gotten a little wet looking at her too! Michelle(shaking head) I don't know what her purpose is? She can't sing and she's ugly to boot, 'nuff said. I did love Omarions performance though. That nukka is one dancing fool. People like to compare him to Usher but in my honest and humbe opinion, Usher ain't got shyt on him. Ciara, on the other hand, I could've done without. The highlight of her performance was Luda so that should tell you something right there. Man what I wouldn't do to have just 10 minutes alone with that man. I would tear his ass up and really give him something to sang about.(fannin mah self) UMMPH UMMPH UMMPH!!!! John legend was cool as was Stevie but mayun, what the heck are they feeding him. Stevie done just straight up blewuptuated. He is huge!! Mike Jones got the crowd hype but come on now who really wants him ? Nah, I take that back. If Biz Markie, 50, Ying Yang twins, Lil ' John and the rest of them cro-magnum looking dudes can get chicks why not Mike Jones. I won't knock him. Hell, he might be able to pry my legs open if he was throwing enough dollas my way. lol
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