I know my niggas love asses so this is for ya'll. Cast your vote in the first annual rumpshaker contest. Put your money on one of these lovely ladies. Winner will be announced on a date TBA shortly.
Who got that phat ass and know how to twerk it?
Contestant number 1 (Meth and Red's favorite)
Contestant number 2 (Craig and Smokey's favorite)
Contestant number 3 (make that azz bounce girl dizammmm!)
Contestant number 4 (my fav because she knows how to make that azz clap)
Cast your votes in the comment section.
*****Edited to add a disclaimer***** I, MS Mimi, in no way shape or form condone this type of behavior or content nor did I have anything to do with this post except to edit in my comments. This is all my boy Carlos' doing? Silly butt. We hung out last night and after having a little too much to drink, I was tired as hell and my head was throbbing so I crashed. While I was sleeping he decided to use my comp and get all up in my business. We cool like that so I don't mind, but this mess? Come on now los? What is up with dudes being blinded by the booty? Is that all ya'll think about. All hell would break lose if I decided to have a biggest penis contest. Am I right ladies?
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