About The Author

. I'm a sexy single lady just living it up in the big city. As you'll soon find out I have many interests and exploits. I love meeting people, and just living life to the fullest. I love my family, I love my friends, and I love my life! I am utterly addicted to the world wide web and can be a little wild and crazy at times but hey , aren't we all?

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Year 2006 "rap" up

I didn't get in until after midnight last night and then had to get up at 7 so that I could be over my Aunt's house by a quarter to 8 to take her and my unlce to the train station. I am one tired sista but for some reason I can't go back to sleep. I guess that cup of coffee that I had earlier to help wake me up is really doing the job. I just feel drained. lol I guess I'm getting too old, I can't be keeping late hours like I did when I was in school. Anyway, I didn't get to post much due to the fact that I was out of town without internet access so Here is Skillz with the year in review. (I love dude...he is funny as hell) ENJOY!