On a brighter note, Youngin'(I'll talk about him later) called to see if I was okay, said he was a little worried when I didn't stop by today. I told him that it's sweet that he was concerned but I'm quite alright. Now youngin' is a little cutie but I simply cannot go there. I'm determined that I won't, but his little fine young azz is wearing me down ya'll.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
at 8:01 PM | 1 comments |
Just one of them dayz
Today was just a really fucked up day for me. For starters, locked myself out of the house. I don't know how the hell that happened but it did. I usually keep my car and house keys in the pocket of whatever coat I'm wearing that day (since I don't necessarily carry the same handbag on a daily basis and I'm used to sitting it down wherever.) I forgot to turn my IPOD off so I take it out of my pocket and turn it off and apparently my keys came out with it. So I lock my door (I have 2 locks on my door and I've gotten into the habit of locking one of the locks from the inside so I can just walk out of the door and its locked) and I get out my keys to lock the other lock and I realize they aren't in my jacket. DAYUM IT! That means I need to go to my mother's job since she is the only other person who has a spare key to my place,(Now ask me why she has a spare key...Apparently My ass has done thise before lol) pick up her house keys (since my set to hers is also locked inside) go to her house, pick up the spare and then drop her keys back off to her. After that I was pissed and there was no way in hell that I was going to even attempt to head in to the office today. Shoot! I took a personal day and took my ass on to McDonald's for some breakfast since my mouth was watering for some coffee. I'm in McDonalds and the chick is making my coffee and another chick bumps into her and it spills so she has to make me another cup. When I get home, I'm getting out my ride and I drop my muhfuggin' coffee! Can you believe that shit? I wasn't about to go back and get another one so I just made me a cup when I got home. I don't know , today just wan't my day I guess.
On a brighter note, Youngin'(I'll talk about him later) called to see if I was okay, said he was a little worried when I didn't stop by today. I told him that it's sweet that he was concerned but I'm quite alright. Now youngin' is a little cutie but I simply cannot go there. I'm determined that I won't, but his little fine young azz is wearing me down ya'll.
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On a brighter note, Youngin'(I'll talk about him later) called to see if I was okay, said he was a little worried when I didn't stop by today. I told him that it's sweet that he was concerned but I'm quite alright. Now youngin' is a little cutie but I simply cannot go there. I'm determined that I won't, but his little fine young azz is wearing me down ya'll.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
at 12:03 PM | 0 comments |
Year 2006 "rap" up
I didn't get in until after midnight last night and then had to get up at 7 so that I could be over my Aunt's house by a quarter to 8 to take her and my unlce to the train station. I am one tired sista but for some reason I can't go back to sleep. I guess that cup of coffee that I had earlier to help wake me up is really doing the job. I just feel drained. lol I guess I'm getting too old, I can't be keeping late hours like I did when I was in school. Anyway, I didn't get to post much due to the fact that I was out of town without internet access so Here is Skillz with the year in review. (I love dude...he is funny as hell) ENJOY!
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
at 7:51 PM | 0 comments |
You would think a nukka would know!
What is it with a nukka thinking that once ya'll become involved, start kicking it, have a relationship or what have you that gives him free reign to do whatever. Dude, my life doesn't stop just because I met you. Don't call me (AT WORK NO LESS) questioning me on my whereabouts and why I wasn't at home to get your call when I knew you were calling me at 6. Dude Please! If you think I'm going to sit around waiting for a phone call that you may or may not decide to place, you are saddly mistaken. Then to top it off, you have the audacity to say that you'll be over at 6? Did you ask me if I had previous plans? Did you ask me if it was alright for you to come over? I'm like this, My life does not revolve around you , I had a life before you and I will continue to have one if and when you are long gone. If you want me to make some time for you then let me know in advance so I can try to hook it up, don't just assume that it's okay for you stop by whenever the heck you feel like it because you will just make an ass out of yourself as the saying goes. Now, if we are going to do this we will do it right, you will respect me and do things properly and I will do the same with you. Respect me and my space and things will work out just fine--- I don't think that's asking too much, do you? I had to tell him that I'm busy and if he decided to stop by, he'd be waiting outside until I made it home and even then, I'd have to think about inviting him in. Ladies, I'm telling ya'll if you start letting a dude come over on a whim any time he feels like it, it won't be too long before he has all of his shyt over and you'll find his ass posted up on your sofa, drinking your beer, eating your food, and watching your TV all damn day while you're out working a 9 to 5 trying to make ends meet. Nahh... not me!!! Not in this lifetime!! If you want to spend some time with me then I'm available tomorrow after 5--- I'll pencil you in!! lol I'm just kidding about the pencil you in part but I'm serious about the rest. I refuse to let a man take advantage of me like that. I have a girlfriend who used to date one of my cousins. Now she was my friend before she and my cousin started creeping but it wasn't too long after they hooked up that she stopped hanging out with us. Her ass would be sitting at home waiting for his no good behind( he's my fam and all but yet in still, I call it like I see it and his behind was NO GOOD) to call or show up and 99 % of the time that's exactly how she ended up,still waiting while he was out doing his thang. Pretty soon we stopped asking her to do things with us because we knew it was no point because her ass was on a short leash. (whether self-imposed or at his hand I don't know.) She ended up getting pregnant thinking that would change things but ya'll know how that worked out. Said child is now 15 and she recently(talking a few months ago recent) had another baby by a different dude. She and my cousin don't really have a relationship other than for the kid. He does help her out with cash for herself at times. While I will admit that he treated her like shit, I can't say he is 100% at fault because she allowed him to do it. One thing I will say is that he is a real good father to his child when he is allowed to be.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
at 7:32 PM | 0 comments |
A blast from the past

I was checking my email and lo and behold I see a message from my old internet fling. He just wanted to see what's been up with me and to make sure I was doing well. Awe, how sweet of him especially since I haven't thought about him since our "episode". Now I swore that I would never hook up with anyone from the 'net but I have since learned never to say never lol. I met him in a chatroom one night when I was bored and had nothing to do. I don't quite remember how we started chatting, but anyway,it became our nightly ritual. We chatted for about a year or so and during this time we had no idea what each other looked like. I sent him a pic of me but he didn't have one to send back which was okay. It made me a little skeptical but I didn't think anything of it. Looks aren't of the utmost importance to me because I have been known to date an ugly man or two haha. Besides,I look good enough for the both of us!! Our chats eventually progressed to conversing by phone and he did sound SEXY as hell which peaked my interest even more. Anyway, it was finally the summer and since I love to travel, I decided to make a trip out his way.(won't say where--- just in case he should happen upon this entry) Anyway,I grab my roadie and we roll on out. We decide against driving and take the train instead.(This was against my better judgement but everything worked out well.) We stopped at the liquor store so we could get our drank on before we boarded the train. We get there and I call my fling and tell him that I am in town and to come meet me at this little bar. After a myriad of "You are lying!", "No you're not!", "You're kidding!" he agrees and said he will meet us in about an hour. My girl and I are getting much attention from the men just walking down the street and I am wondering if I should've even made the phone call but we head on down to the bar. Jazzy is flirting with this middle-aged bar tender and he is hooking us up with drinks and food. My girl really knows how to work it! We are eating and drinking trying to get our buzz on just in case my "innanet" date turns out to be a troll. We all know a nukka looks 100% better after a few drinks So anyway, the bartender tells us that there is a club around the corner from the bar and he walks us over there, gets us in for free, and tells the guys there to take care of us. We drink some more, dance a bit, and then head on back to the bar. By this time Jazzy has disappeared and I am sitting at the bar eating and drinking when this gorgeous guy walks in. I spot him as he is coming through the door and I just know this is my internet guy. My nipples are saluting him as he walks in! He walks up to me(my heart is about to jump out of my chest) then he taps me on my shoulder and says "your name wouldn't happen to be MiMi would it?" and I of course say "YESS, YESSSS, Take me now!!!" No, Just kidding I just say "Yes." I'm thinking damn MiMi,
you have hit the jackpot! This guy is fine! So then he says "Someone wants to see you outside" Damn!! I'm crushed. I'm thinking how highschool. Why doesn't he just bring his ass in and come say hello? I walk outside and there stood this ugly, gremlin, trollish looking brotha. I was somewhat disappointed and I think that he was worried that I wouldn't be attracted to him which is why he sent his cute friend in first to size me up.
Thank God for the drinks!!! I was a little tipsy by that point anyway. Now I'm not the type to be blatantly rude or anything so he never knew my initial impression of him. Besides, I had been chatting to him long enough that my attraction to him was based on his personality, not his looks, since I never had the opportunity to see his ugly ass before hand. Lol nah let me stop! Anyway, we head into the bar and have a drink and then they ask about my girl. I remember she is MIA and I go look for her and find her in the downstairs bathroom stall with the bartender. Apparently she was giving him head!! DONT ASK!! Jazzy is a wild girl with an insatiable oral fetish. I can just imagine if Jazzy knew I was telling the world her exploits. I'm running out of room so I have to continue this later, besides my Chicken Fettucini with brocoli and Jack Daniels Down Home Punch got a sista salivating like a muhfugga.
Monday, January 08, 2007
at 2:16 PM | 0 comments |
Home Sweet Home..NOT!!!
My first post of the New Year..Yayyyy! I am back from a fabulously relaxing visit with my family and I am soooo not happy to be back at home. It was so nice being with them. I took the train this time and didn't realize how much I missed traveling by train. Yeah, flying will get you there faster but there is nothing like the peace and tranquility of a train ride. I wasn't in the mood for the hustle and bustle and long lines that I most certainly would've encountered had I chosen to fly this time. It actually cost me about the same to take the train as it would've had I flown. Anyway, I spent the majority of my time with my grandparents who are blessed to be 90+. We just chatted about the old days.(You know how old folks do)I actually enjoyed listening to them reminisce and I learned a few things about my family in the process. My grandfather actually had a book that traced his roots back to about 15 or 16 generations and I found that to be quite interesting. My name was even included and that just tickled me pink. While I was there,I went out to the whitest white bar ever and partied with the drunken white chicks, went out to eat, shopped, dropped in on a few friends that I grew up with but haven't seen in ages and just had a grand old time. I didn't go out on NYE though. I went over a friends house and stayed until about 5 minutes until mignight and then brought in the New Year (on my knees...... praying for those of you with dirty minds) with my family. Even found the time to take in 2 basketball games which I absolutely loved. I might have to see if I can find some tickets to a game here which shouldn't be too hard to do since our team sucks and has sucked for the past 2 or 3 years. I returned yesterday and now the hard part begins, That Christmas tree is staring me in the face as well as the many gifts underneath. I have to tackle that as well as unpack my bags which I may just put off until the weekend. Yes, I am lazy like that. If I had my way, my tree would stay up until next year lol.
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