So, I was watching some reruns of Making The Band when I was appalled at the fact that Andrea, (one of the band members) was actually losing sleep over a dude. Man up girl and get with the program. You are about to blow-up (Of course, it's a long shot being that they are involved with Puffy, the career killa, but hopefully it will happen for you) I mean that chick called her man just about every hour on the hour, but what I found even more incredulous, was the fact that this man never had time to talk to her. He was either in the studio (he's a supposed producer), on the way to the club, out with his boys, had people waiting for him and blase' blah. The poor girl was practically begging this guy to talk to her only for a few minutes and he couldn't (or wouldn't) do that. Now during this episode I can say that she called him at least 6 times wth him never having more than 2 to 3 minutes (if that) to talk to her. Fast forward a bit, she calls and this man has the nerve to get on her for not calling him the previous night (she fell asleep). Now from the very first time she called him I'm dayum near shouting at the Tele "drop that nigga girl, he's up to no-good" But I was literally speechless when this guy actually broke up with her for not calling. Now you and I both know that this nigga was probably fucking around from the time she hopped on a plane to Miami and that was just the perfect opportunity and (excuse for him to drop her) but dayum mayun, at least be honest? Why is it that we females become so consumed by our relationships? I mean our relationships become our lives and pretty soon we end up losing ourselves. We want to eat, sleep, and breathe that nigga that we know don't mean us a bit of good. We make sure we're home because he "might" call and the keyword here is "Might". We get mad when he doesn't and end up calling him trying to find out where he was last night and with whom and why he didn't call? He tells us he doesn't love us anymore and we lock ourselves in our rooms, eating ice-cream and crying our eyes out and for what? I say fuck that nigga? That's right, I said it, say it with me, FUCK DAT NIGGA!!" Take your game to the next level and make sure that man knows that you are the number 1 priority in all instances and he is dayum lucky to have you. He doesn't call, so what? Don't bombard him with 20 questions about why, where, and when, but instead, make him feel like he wasn't even missed. Let him know that he dayum sure can be NEXTED if he continues to fuck up. Go on about your life, if you have plans, keep them, don't alter them because dude might show up. You are wayyy more important than that. Start putting yourselves first and let him get in where he fits in. Never let a plain dude (or any dude for that matter) rule your world because you are running thangz around here. Always remember that!

Speaking of Danity Kane(that's the name of the Making The Band group), Wassup with that CD Photo? Why can't the black chicks ever get a chance to be front and center. Why do they have ugly Aubrey in the middle like the bitch really can sing? Like Ms. Jones said "only 3 of ya'll bitches can sing" and those three would be Dawn, Aundrea, And D woods (and even she is iffy). If I was D woods(aka Juanita), I would be pissed. All of them other bitches get to show skin and they got her covered up like she is the mama of the group. Not only that, but they got her ass off in the background like she isn't even really a part of Danity Kane. She's stepping on the opposite foot as everyone else looking like they just threw her ass in the photo as an after thought. She better get on Puff about that so he can correct it before their album debuts.