The jazz spot last night turned out to be surprisingly nice. Yeah, there were mostly oldheads there but I was really diggin' the atmosphere and it felt nice to take a break from the 20-something knunkle heads that I'm used to encountering. I didn't really feel like driving home so I just crashed at Miko's. After I left Miko's I met up with Ronnie at the spa for a day of pampering. Man I really needed to be rubbed down. By the way it was heavenly. Ronnie and I had a mud soak and then the massage of a life time. It was glorious, although my masseur wasn't the big , bald, fine man that I had hoped for. Nothing better than to be rubbed down by a pair of strong hands attatched to a muscular, bangin' body and a handsome face. Unfortunately, my fantasy was ruined by a lady named Marisol. She was good, I'll give her that. That woman hit some muscles that I had forgotten I even had, but It would've been nice to have someone to flirt with. After that, Ronnie had a Brazillian. She has been trying to get me to have one done for the longest time. She says that men love it and once I have it done I will never imagine going back to anything else. I really want to give it a try but I have a real aversion to pain without any pleasure involved. I just can't see myself butt ass naked, spread eagle on a table while some woman is ripping the hair from my twat and my azz. I mean they get in all of the nook and crannies too and if that isn't bad enough, after they finish plucking you like a chicken, they then slap some powder on you like you are ready to be fried. I'm just not ready to put myself out there like that so I passed and let Ronnie do her thang. Now I must admit, it does look good (Ronnie was nice enough to show me the finished product)) they even do designs if you want them. Ronnie has a little landing strip with a heart and she says the pain is about a 5 on a scale of 1-10. Yeah right!! A five for her because she has been getting them forever. She is used to the pain. I wonder if guys really prefer a bald pussy? (Ronnie swears they do but I haven't had any complaints) Does less hair make it better when going down on a chick? I'll have to ask someone and see what they say. Anyway, after finishing up with our mani's and pedi's we part ways and I head home to relax some more.
I have been reading this book, Sexual Healing, for about 2 months now. Everytime I read it I get horny as hell. It's about these two women who decide to make a brothel for women. They are in vegas and they have man whores to service female clients. Of course they have to test out the new hires and boy do they go into detail. I get wet everytime I read a line. Too bad my FWB(friend with benefits) is out of town. I don't own a vibrator either which is another thing that I need to add to my list of things to buy. Hey, guys aren't the only ones that need to get their freak on every now and then, us girls get horny too. I'm really feeling it right now and am so tempted to work myself out but I'll settle for a homemade non- alcoholic apple martini and a cold shower instead. It would just take me too long to get there alone, without a little electric help. Too bad too because my "friend" will be here next week so when FWB returns he won't be able to have a proper welcome home. Boo Hoo!! The joys and monthly pains of being a woman. I'm off, since I have to get up early for work tomorrow. Nighty Night!
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